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Autor Thema: Pictures for hero abilities  (Gelesen 5843 mal)


  • Heiler von Imladris
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Pictures for hero abilities
« am: 2. Feb 2017, 14:03 »
So, I've started to add ingame pictures for hero abilities. First, thanks to Necro for providing me with the actual in game hero palantirs. For now I've done only Galadriel and Celeborn so I want to hear your thoughts/suggestions/feedback on this.

Note! I think some images that come from bfme will be hard to find (like the Gifts of Lorien that i didn't find).


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Re: Pictures for hero abilities
« Antwort #1 am: 2. Feb 2017, 16:04 »
Not bad, although it will need a bit of formatting. At the moment the text spacing is all funky.
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Re: Pictures for hero abilities
« Antwort #2 am: 2. Feb 2017, 22:23 »
I like this improvement very much. The icon pictures add a lot to their corresponding ability. It's probably the last thing that was needed in each description. By the way, I don't know if it's just me, but Gifts of Lórien doesn't have any image.


  • Heiler von Imladris
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Re: Pictures for hero abilities
« Antwort #3 am: 3. Feb 2017, 12:17 »
I like this improvement very much. The icon pictures add a lot to their corresponding ability. It's probably the last thing that was needed in each description. By the way, I don't know if it's just me, but Gifts of Lórien doesn't have any image.
Yeah, well the Gifts of Lorien is a complicated one, because I didn't manage to find the exact picture in the extracted palantirs that Necro sent me. If you know the origin of the picture or come across it it would be nice if you sent it to me.


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Re: Pictures for hero abilities
« Antwort #4 am: 3. Feb 2017, 12:23 »
I'm gonna be looking some more over the week-end for the rest of the images and the missing heroes.
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Re: Pictures for hero abilities
« Antwort #5 am: 3. Feb 2017, 22:49 »
I think it is a great idea and worth pursuing as well.  Adds a nice little touch.