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Autor Thema: Porter from citadel 4.4.1  (Gelesen 6345 mal)


  • Thain des Auenlandes
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  • Beiträge: 34
Porter from citadel 4.4.1
« am: 4. Mär 2017, 03:14 »
Hello forumers.

I just have three fast questions.
1: I brownsed through fully the commandset .ini but I can't find the castles/camps/outposts commandset for any faction. Where it is  ?

2: I would like to add a command to these buildings to be able to create a porter/builder from it. I've made a custom map, where I added a builder/porter to myself but some buildings were missing.

3. When I tried to build a fortress, but it's vanished when It was completed. So I placed it on a custom map, but many buttons, ( heroes upgrades ) were missing.
How should I build it to allow it to stay there ( to not wanish )?
How do I gave back It's command buttons what the citadels have ( like ring mechanic, heroes) and It's upgrades ( numenorian stonework, fire arrows for example ) ?

Thanks for the help,
Have a nice day


  • Thain des Auenlandes
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  • Beiträge: 34
Re: Porter from citadel 4.4.1
« Antwort #1 am: 5. Mär 2017, 19:15 »
And also I would like to find the edain buildings commandset, for example GondorGrenzfestungComman dSet.
Because I searced __edain_data\data\ini\commandset.ini but there was not a single german building commandset.
Where are these german commandsets for buildings ?

Edit : Maybe I found it :__edain_data\data\ini\includes\commandset.inc
« Letzte Änderung: 5. Mär 2017, 20:34 von Tukolp »

Melkor Bauglir

  • Held von Helms Klamm
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Re: Porter from citadel 4.4.1
« Antwort #2 am: 5. Mär 2017, 22:42 »
Edit : Maybe I found it :__edain_data\data\ini\includes\commandset.inc
You found correctly. It's important to open .inc-files by Crl+E because otherwise final.BIG will lag way to much.

2: I would like to add a command to these buildings to be able to create a porter/builder from it. I've made a custom map, where I added a builder/porter to myself but some buildings were missing.
For recruiting the builder of any faction, you'll just need the according command button. They look like this
CommandButton Command_ConstructMordorPorter
    Command                = UNIT_BUILD
    Object                = MordorPorter
    Options                = CANCELABLE
    TextLabel            = CONTROLBAR:ConstructMordorPorter
    ButtonImage            = BMFortress_Porter
    ButtonBorderType        = BUILD
    DescriptLabel            = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipConstructMordorPorter
    Radial                = Yes
    InPalantir               = Yes
    ShowProductionCount        = Yes
although you need to change the object, obviously.
Most buildings obviously won't be included for the porters, since of lot of them were included for Edain 4.x. If you want to create these command buttons for yourself: Search for the tags DOZER_CONSTRUCT and replace the necessary code (primarily the object). Then you'll have to find the commandset of your builders (search for commandset in their INI -don't forget eventual CommandSetUpgrades, since this way especially the dwarven porters will have multiple commandsets) and add the new commandbuttons to them.

The 3rd question is probably a lot more diffucult to change: First of all, I just checked, and yes practically all fortress commandsets have been changed in 4.x. (That's most likelely to get rid of all the now useless upgrades -it's always good to use as few upgrades as possible!) Now, the version I just checked actually still included all the fortress-upgrades so you'll probably just have to add the commandbuttons. If you can't find them: Use the original BfME-data (it's in the file INI in the RotWK-folder --> DO NOT REPLACE IT OR WORK IN THIS FOLDER!!! CREATE A SUBMOD-FILE!). If Edain has removed the upgrades by now, you'll have to add those, too.

How should I build it to allow it to stay there ( to not wanish )?
It might be better to double check this or ask additional people, but as far as I now, that's because of the BfME fortress-system: You don't really ever build them but instead once you have created the primary structure, the fortress has to unpack, since otherwise the buildplots won't appear. At the beginning of the game, that's what happens, however these fortresses don't exist anymore, because 4.x changed the data. Thus, you basically unpack an object into nothing, making it disappear.
If that's the case, you have to change the base-files (no idea how they work, though). If you just want to build the fortress itself without the other stuff, there is an easier way: Add a DOZER_CONSTRUCT commandbutton which should use the default building system and add the (fortress)citadel (that's the central structure!). This should take care of everything except the buildplots.
However, this will raise the problem that Edain uses some of these objects elsewhere (see the Amroth fortress).

Melkor Bauglir


  • Thain des Auenlandes
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  • Beiträge: 34
Re: Porter from citadel 4.4.1
« Antwort #3 am: 6. Mär 2017, 18:25 »

First of all, thanks for helping me out.

So I managed to add isengardporter to all 3 isengardcitadelll commandsets ( plain, saruman, and saruman ring ) I can build a builder from citadel, so its is okay :)
But,I wanted to build edain 4.4.1's buildings from the porter, so my idea was to add the builder the commands from the isen building foundation, I added from settlements, and outposts too, and It isn'T worked, the some buttons were there some buttons were missing, here is my Isen porter commandset ( I could not place a single object, the buildings after 11  = Command_ConstructIsengar dBattleTowerBFME1, were just 4 or 5 empy button holes )
CommandSet IsengardPorterCommandSet
    1  = Command_Stop
    2  = Command_PorterExtinguishFire
    3  = Command_Repair
4  = Command_ConstructIsengardFurnaceBFME1
5  = Command_ConstructIsengardMinenschachtBFME1
6  = Command_ConstructIsengardUrukPitBFME1
7  = Command_ConstructIsengardWargPitBFME1
8  = Command_ConstructIsengardSiegeWorksBFME1
    9  = Command_ConstructIsengardArmoryBFME1
   10  = Command_ConstructIsengardWargSentryBFME1
   11  = Command_ConstructIsengardBattleTowerBFME1
   12  = Command_UnpackExplicitIsengardStahlwerk
   13  = Command_UnpackExplicitIsengardLumbermill
   14  = Command_UnpackExplicitIsengardMinenschacht
   15  = Command_UnpackExplicitIsengardTavern
   16  = Command_PorterConstructIsengardWallHubPlayer
   17  = Command_UnpackOutpostIsengard
   18  = Command_PorterConstructIsengardFortress

I also link you my isen citadel commandset, I hope its good:

About my first post here, when I spoke about the fortress vanishing, I spoke about the men's fortress building from the men's porter, on the porters bar, it costs 2000, and when its build it vanishes ( It's also invisible when I try to place it )
I still trying to manage out the bse files, with some luck. I managed to replace the central building of the castle with angmar fortress in angmar's castle.bse, but spells and heroes, upgrades were aslo missing.

So that's what I tried today.
How should I replace the dozer construct ? Could you write one example please ?
« Letzte Änderung: 6. Mär 2017, 18:38 von Tukolp »

Melkor Bauglir

  • Held von Helms Klamm
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  • Beiträge: 1.209
Re: Porter from citadel 4.4.1
« Antwort #4 am: 6. Mär 2017, 19:49 »
But,I wanted to build edain 4.4.1's buildings from the porter, so my idea was to add the builder the commands from the isen building foundation, I added from settlements, and outposts too, and It isn'T worked, the some buttons were there some buttons were missing, here is my Isen porter commandset ( I could not place a single object, the buildings after 11  = Command_ConstructIsengar dBattleTowerBFME1, were just 4 or 5 empy button holes )
That can't work, because those commandbuttons are foundation constructs, meaning they turn a buildplot into a building -which makes no sense, naturally, because they are used by a builder!

You'll have to to the following: Take e.g. this commandbutton
CommandButton Command_PorterConstructArnorElvenBarracks
  Command              = DOZER_CONSTRUCT
  Object               = ArnorElvenBarracks
  TextLabel            = CONTROLBAR:ConstructElvenBarracks
  ButtonImage          = BEElvenBarracks
  ButtonBorderType     = BUILD
  DescriptLabel        = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipElvenBarracks
  Radial               = Yes 
Change the name (it obviously has to be a unique name) and add the command to the commandset of your porters. Then, replace ButtonImage, DescriptLabel and TextLabel with the code from the current foundation construct commandbuttons (this way everything is already correctly linked and the picture is correct as well). Then, replace the object in
Object = ArnorElvenBarracksby another building, you intend to build. (You find the name in the foundation construct commandbuttons.)

I managed to replace the central building of the castle with angmar fortress in angmar's castle.bse, but spells and heroes, upgrades were aslo missing.
Well, you have to use the revive menu from 4.x! Angmar's hero roster has changed, so the old fortress' commandset has no real meaning anymore and will probably lead to bugs / missing heroes.

About the fortress, that is strange, tbh... Since that's the generic outpost fortress, it shouldn't use an unpack-mechanic. Are you sure, you used the right object? (Otherwise, there might be some differences in the INI of the fortress itself.)

Melkor Bauglir


  • Thain des Auenlandes
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  • Beiträge: 34
Re: Porter from citadel 4.4.1
« Antwort #5 am: 7. Mär 2017, 03:35 »
Thanks for helping me, it helps me a lot.

Now after your guide, I managed to make all the commandbuttons for all isengard buildings, and add them to the isengardporter, and he can build them so it's very good :)
I just had some problem with, the porter, because I added him too much buildings ( 12+ ) but I need this to be able to build all isens buildings.
Is there any way I can give him a switch mechanic, to be able to build my 2 remaining buildings ? Maybe with some controlbar switcher commandbutton or stg. ?

When I train the porter, his button deletes the the radialback button, I tried many options but that radial back button never comes back:
Here Is my IsengardBaseKeepCommandS et:

Now that the buildings are working, I switched my attention to the bigger thing, the fortress. I'm now doing isengards faction, And I was able to build isens fort from the builder, but again I met some problems, upgrades, heroes, defensive foundations were missing. How could I restore the fortress' ? I mean to be able to use it as it was.
And I will need to implement somehow Saruman/wizardstower to it, to allow him to use the wizards tower. Is it enough if I just copy the citadell's commandset ? ( there wil be much more I think ). And I will have to do this with all of the fortresses. It's not problem, but I just don't know where should I start restoring the fortresses to be able to use them.

I gave the builder some new commandbuttons, I gave them CONTROLBAR"titles" placed them in the lotr.str file what is in the __edain_data.big, but the buttons still saying "missing object...." Which lotr.str should I use ? ( I use english version of the mod )

Sorry for the long post, thats how far I came tonight. :)


  • Thain des Auenlandes
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  • Beiträge: 34
Re: Porter from citadel 4.4.1
« Antwort #6 am: 7. Mär 2017, 23:17 »
Just for a little update.

I made all of the buildings for my mordorporter too he so can build all he should :)
Now I'm experimenting with castles.
But the problems still present what I posted before.



  • Thain des Auenlandes
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  • Beiträge: 34
Re: Porter from citadel 4.4.1
« Antwort #7 am: 8. Mär 2017, 21:46 »
Update for today,

I tried to create a new object as "MordorCitadelKepp". Created an ini for it, opened mordor\campsandcastles and copied all thing bellow Object MordorCastleKeep until Object MordorCampKeep, created a commandbutton for it to be able to build, added this button to the builder. Loaded the game I built it :)
But after it I tried what happens if I cancel its build. I canceled it, and a rubble remained :/, so I tried to delete several "rubble" behaviors from its ini, but with no luck. Once I allowed it to be destroyed by the enemy I got defeated, but the rubble was still there, and had 4 buttons, one with repair. So I think its another dead end.

I just wrote here maybe somenone reads it and get some information, how should I be able restore the forresses to their original state like when they were back in like 3.8 or stg. Or how to create a new one for Edain. Maybe from one castle citadel keep, or something.

Have a nice day,


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Re: Porter from citadel 4.4.1
« Antwort #8 am: 21. Mär 2017, 11:32 »
You have to atleast remove the following codes:
  Behavior = KeepObjectDie ModuleTag_IWantRubble

    Behavior                  = RubbleRiseUpdate ModuleTag_Rubble
        MinRubbleRiseDelay      = 000
        MaxRubbleRiseDelay      = 000
        ;RubbleRiseDamping       = .5
        RubbleHeight            = 4.0
        MaxShudder              = 0.6
        MinBurstDelay           = 250
        MaxBurstDelay           = 800
        BigBurstFrequency       = 4
        FXList                  = INITIAL FX_StructureMediumPostCollapse

I am not sure that are all, but that has to be tested. Else remove all behaviors and add them slowly again one by one until it stops working.


  • Thain des Auenlandes
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  • Beiträge: 34
Re: Porter from citadel 4.4.1
« Antwort #9 am: 21. Mär 2017, 12:15 »
Yes, I deleted everything about the rubbles.
Now when the builing is destroyed, it's just disappears with big smoke  :D . I think it's fine for now.
Thanks for the help.


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Re: Porter from citadel 4.4.1
« Antwort #10 am: 21. Mär 2017, 12:44 »
Then you probably need a StructureCollapseUpdate    Behavior                  = StructureCollapseUpdate ModuleTag_08
    MinCollapseDelay        = 000
    MaxCollapseDelay        = 000
    CollapseDamping         = .5
    MaxShudder              = 0.6
    MinBurstDelay           = 250
    MaxBurstDelay           = 800
    BigBurstFrequency       = 4
    FXList                  = INITIAL   FX_StructureMediumCollapse
    FXList                  = ALMOST_FINAL  FX_StructureAlmostCollapse
DestroyObjectWhenDone = Yes
CollapseHeight = 155


  • Thain des Auenlandes
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  • Beiträge: 34
Re: Porter from citadel 4.4.1
« Antwort #11 am: 22. Mär 2017, 09:47 »
Thanks for this, It worked, now the bulding sinked its okay now.
But, because of stg. after it's destroyed I can't build on its place, a red square appears.