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Antique Lyrics of Arda

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Title: Hymn to Varda

Topic: Scattered remnants of a composition of the Vanyar.

She, grandest of the Aratar
Lights kindleth in the night

Held in love by the One
Its prowess she was given

Loathed by the fell as all the Valar
For the Nameless she is the fiercest knight

Every Elven heart she won
May the stains of the Eldar be forgiven.

Topic: Nameless fragments, recollected from the tales and sayings of the Eldar.

Once the mightiest of all
Ambition he conceived in the ancestral halls
Many akin spirits he lured
Who would make the people of Arda mourn.

The Powers have his wrath borne
Until he was in chains and has his designs forsworn
His malice had the Two Trees die in agony
Hail an Elda, and he shall tell thee the tragedy.

Topic: Fragments of Elven poems about Eldamar, the only true home for all Eldar.

Encircled by rough peaks and rocks
Long shores over the mortal seas

Left in the night during the time of the Trees
Here lies Kôr and its mighty towers of diamond.

Topic: Antique words that could be heard among the people of Eldamar, regarding the nameless shadows inhabiting the southern shores of Avathar.

Vast shores in the South of Aman
Far from the jubilant people beyond the Wall of Valinórë

They say Shadow does lie there
Which light devours and even hungrier grows.

Commemorative lyrics regarding the victory of the Lady of Lórien over the Goblins, during the war between them and the Galadhrim.

The wisest Queen longed to free lands from terror, and the restoration of the past realm much she yearned,
The Prince of Doriath, in silver armoured, led undaunted the host unto the ends of the river and the fell commander of hordes was finally slain,
The gallant Galadhrim shattered their foes and the weather too in wrath responded,
Until the filth was purged and the Lady's rule was further extended.

To thee, noble Amroth, victory is consecrated.


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