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Autor Thema: Antique Lyrics of Arda  (Gelesen 184744 mal)


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #315 am: 10. Aug 2017, 23:59 »
The enchanted axe

It was a gift of the Lady of decisive note,
As all the people of the woods equally longed to join the general struggle,
Henceforth, a relic from another age did seem the right tool,
For its metal was not of the common type, in that the magical hand of the Angel-queen had touched it and bewitched made it.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #316 am: 11. Aug 2017, 00:38 »
The kingdom of peace

Much time and countless struggle, this is the weight of rule and of authority the sacrifice,
The Lord of Eä hath poured his all in the duty of imperative significance, as the One wished and wanted in the place in which dream and eternity have government,
Somber the tale hath been sung, yet courageous the attempt and deed to rectify anything that the plan of serenity did not follow as one would like,
By mistake, by error and remedy history hath been at our behest written in the pages of Arda, immortal and ever-present for all to notice, should one doubt the only true word.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #317 am: 11. Aug 2017, 01:12 »
Thou hast not, Mithrandir

Elf, Man or Dwarf would not such evil ever borne,
Nor one of the Flames could they ever hoped to vanquish for the good and all,
For unlikely is the will of the Children to withstand the arcane nature and might of the Enemy's demons,
Who lurked centuries in the stone and havoc they spasmodically seek to wreak along our ways,

Thou hast not forsworn the contest, Mithrandir,
Thou hast fallen in the darkest ravine of desperation,
Thou could not let the Flame to wander free in the grey age of the World,
Thou fought and on the highest peak great fury of clouds and bolts thou hast summoned, to arm thy sword with lightning and with the sacred power to obliterate the foe.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #318 am: 11. Aug 2017, 01:40 »
Mother, I shall journey yonder

Mother, thy tears are void I may not fill in grace,
Thou needest wait for me and hope never make forlorn,
I shall now journey yonder and embrace the new fate I am to render mine,
Thither I am bound to head, and there with a new name I shall probably be remembered, unto the time of return, in which thou art to hail me in the manner thou hast hitherto done.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #319 am: 11. Aug 2017, 15:04 »
The breath of life

The breath of life is sole and pure,
By one sole force granted and meant to always endure,
And none of the others may the privilege boast,
To give the flame of life to lifeless matter, and to liven this world with what we care indeed the most.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #320 am: 11. Aug 2017, 17:02 »
Water, lead me to the goal

Water, I dreamt thee in a night of nightmare and frightening phantoms,
But I know that thou wishest to send me an imperative message of hope,
I thus pray and ask that thou lead me thither in favourable fate,
So that I shall embrace my future and a new city in a mountainous chain may be raised.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #321 am: 11. Aug 2017, 22:16 »
Yonder, where all would fain voyage

The burden of time is indeed borne on thy shoulders in grand fatigue,
For thou hast the paramount task,
To guard of the Eldar the last havens, where grey vessels are always prepared to face the ultimate journey of one's life,
Beyond the sea, where all would fain voyage.

Shipwright, the last ship shall await thee on the mortal shores of the World, and beside thee shall be the saviour of our times.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #322 am: 11. Aug 2017, 23:11 »
The tale is not to end in grief

At the pinnacles of Gondor we wait to outlive the end and in hope to trust the good fortune,
Even in the grimmest of the hour, amidst the battle that is to reach us in short time,
But here, among the sentinels of the White City, there is the White Wizard who with us shares the strife,
And he narrated a story unknown and unheard for the most, that bliss is beyond the western seas and that human life does not cease after the violent parting.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #323 am: 11. Aug 2017, 23:45 »
The ambush at the cold heath

Nay, this may not be,
The king of the Horse Lords and his guard have met a sad event far from the stone-made shelter of the Deep,
As people murmur that an ambush on the cold heat has taken place, in which the dreadful howl of wolves could be heard,
And all know which fell breed the Fallen Wizard hides in the dungeons of his dwelling, and it is marred, corrupt and indeed by the vicious magic mauled.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #324 am: 12. Aug 2017, 00:21 »
The girdle of benevolence

Too much different the green path used to be in the Elder Days,
In the Hither-Lands of which now little one commonly knows,
For those lands have sunk in the great sea, because much the World for its own liberated had to undergo,
And forests were ghoulish, and deadly and hideous as none in the present time might precisely picture,

Yet the foul magic which that kind of beasts could call and control was not to be found within the wooden ramparts of Doriath,
Governed by magic too and by a millennial wise rule,
And the Angel who there resided had veiled her domain with the strongest shield,
For love and old wisdom in Beleriand via the most formidable defence just needed to be secured.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #325 am: 12. Aug 2017, 01:10 »
The elegy of pity

Nienna treadeth the forbidden ways for all races secluded,
And she gazeth too at the sea which none may pass over nor sail,
Waiting and mourning as tales say,
For we have yet to face the last clash that is the universe to shape, where all shall be again unearthed and to the light finally brought, to judge the course to which time will have to eventually conform.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #326 am: 12. Aug 2017, 18:00 »
Ice shall melt and be gone, one day

Nay, we do not for a moment believe that the North under the frozen rule of witchcraft will perpetually remain,
And even when the remnants of old of the dying grand kingdom seem to vanish away, faster than dust and sudden clouds of menacing weather,
We shall live to see the days of renewed spring and joy,
In adversity, as the power of the Iron Crown preys on the leavings of our great legacy which is to be mostly forgotten by the common man, and as aid from the enchanted valley and the South appears to result in the definitive salvation of this tale.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #327 am: 12. Aug 2017, 19:43 »
He dared to make that title his

It was indubitably a great blunder of whom the manners of honour and valour has never known,
But also a crime we shall never condone,
The unpardonable act was to claim the title of king of all Men that then trod the ways of Middle-earth,
Thus spreading the ill word across all mortal seas and so attracting the interest of the proud king of the Island that with revenge burst.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #328 am: 13. Aug 2017, 02:51 »
He is the White Rider, fashioned in light

A gleam of purity pierced the vicious shadows of the weather hitherto storming,
And the sky responded with welcoming the warm rays of the day in the normal manner of nature's cycle, in the like of a captive just freed from his chains,
And then we clearly beheld a figure that only good and eternal good again meant, announcing his coming while fashioned in light, whom winds from the western ends by command followed, and he in the eventual hour of the odious deception of Saruman the end decreed.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #329 am: 14. Aug 2017, 02:43 »
Aye, we bear the tough life

Aye, we bear the tough life, the only one we went through since the beginning of our rural kind's tale,
It is the foremost struggle that we always in the hardest fatigue cherished, for the fortune of our people by sheer luck was not shaped,
But by sweat, harvest, wheat and hay, these being the very nourishment of our force and history throughout this long age,
And weather too played its part, which seldom mercy has had, yet cold and freezing winds one's heart resistant make, for from eerie arts and arcane spells far we are, and on our sole hands as real tools we indeed rely.