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Autor Thema: Antique Lyrics of Arda  (Gelesen 278566 mal)


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #330 am: 14. Aug 2017, 04:15 »
A bitter farewell, yet hope is still

She was noble daughter of royal heritage that lives in legends,
And she then has married the Elven Lord of the greatest descent in all tales,
Their sons were blessed by their imperishable love, although this merry story by the most sorrowful of the events was eventually tested,
With grief being too much of a burden for her to sustain, so that she opted for the last voyage in the end, leaving behind her sad beloved ones in darkening times, and grey and ill for the immortal soul.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #331 am: 15. Aug 2017, 00:20 »
The forbidden privilege

How could that be a concrete tale to be told? How could that be in line with legends and stories of old that antiquity to us has left?
Every moment we have been told that death is not to be opposed by the arts of whatever mortal who deems the deed favourable,
For the sad ending is a fate that all human share in equal term, but an exception did occur in the forgotten past of ours, whose mystery I fear shall never be unearthed,
That a noble man took the way of the open sea, when the blue had been sealed and to all denied, yet his mortal soul passed the mists of those waves, and they narrate that the gift of never-ending life to him by the divine will was then granted.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #332 am: 15. Aug 2017, 01:41 »
A hue of good faith

Sam, the portrait of the quest looks obscure at the sight and every passing day fate is ill-boding, and grim and somber for each character of the tale.

Mr. Frodo, what we could do with in dark hours is just a hue of good faith, which ever-present stays and in the darkest night as a guiding star bright remains.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #333 am: 15. Aug 2017, 04:21 »
Indomitable in front of the dreadful king

The Maiden of the heath had dwelt in the royal halls beside the king,
To the manners of the noble kind indeed used,
Yet the fiery passion was an ever-burning flame and her resolve for the fight never could fail, for the harsh life of the peasant she knew well, along with cold winters and frozen lands that for food cannot serve,
And the shield she bore proud and bold, the sword wielded and ruin upon the fell ranks ready to bring, unto the time when destiny made it so that the Maiden the King of the Dead had to contest, and albeit his witchcraft of ghoulish type, her blade pierced through the flesh-less body of the cursed spirit, dooming the wraith and trapping him in void of misery and gaol.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #334 am: 15. Aug 2017, 22:46 »
The fury of the common one

You, common souls, are destined to bear the heaviest brunt in this sad world of cruelty and rage,
With you being the chosen victim on whom the Evil finds pleasure in inflicting grievous wounds, and the existence of many in unjust violence has been taken,
Yet the forces who never rest have committed the error which none should make,
To think that the weak hand never could be armed with blade nor shield, but the real fire that hope gives is within the adamant resolve, to protect whom we love and the land which with toil long we have nurtured and sowed.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #335 am: 16. Aug 2017, 01:30 »
The sheltering of the heir

It is not usual thing for the Lord of the Valley to allow strangers to linger in his own domain,
Lest secrecy be spoiled and the calmness of the sanctuary be put in much strain,
Apart from a brave mother that her kin only desired to render safe, within the arms of the gentle Elves of the last homely house of the western lands,
And a strong heir there was thus given relief, and manners of noble kind, and noble his deeds would in fact be, and grand, because hope a second chance was offered and the possibility seized.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #336 am: 16. Aug 2017, 01:54 »
Ye, woods ye shall tread in watchful pace

Subjects of mine and dear to me as naught else in this grey land of suffering,
Much we have gone through and the shadows us from the ancient seat of the throne off have driven,
Yet the wise woodland king a just cause in mind must have had, to move his people away and far, on the edges of the desolate North,
He wisheth and commandeth that new halls be built carved into the stone, sound and secure, to hide his new throne and for a thousand years to endure, while ye, gallant guard of the ends, ye these woods shall tread in watchful pace.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #337 am: 16. Aug 2017, 03:55 »
Thou, who toil and terror hast suffered, needest not despair

Galadriel has some words of comfort to say, to a weary soul that much has had to bear. This is an anticipation of what is to be narrated in the RPG story concerning the Siege of Lothlórien.

Weep, free thyself from the chains of dread and desperation,
Thou, who toil and terror hast suffered, needest not despair,
As the Lady is here for the rescue and to punish the fool enemy that hither hath dared to come,
Now, this sung words shall cast the spell, which to the good ear salvation give, and to the evil great confusion and of senses the utter failure.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #338 am: 17. Aug 2017, 15:10 »
Joy stirs within me

Joy stirs within me, as I behold my realm safe and sound from the storm which great havoc has brought,
When I see the jubilant crowds welcoming the heroes of our time, who undaunted and firm their mission have never relinquished,
And I when I notice other races of this world that all pay homage to the victory we achieved through dreadful suffering and pain,
And the restored crown is now worn by the new king whom we have much awaited, crowned by the White Rider and well-boding the fate shall undoubtedly be.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #339 am: 17. Aug 2017, 18:29 »
Two remnants, a sole legacy

In the North, bitter and harsh, the foundations of a kingdom were then set, by the most loyal of the Men, whom in the Island they treated ill and bad, yet hope never he had lost and in profound sadness the raging signals from the westernmost ends he was able to fathom, in time to flee from the approaching catastrophe, yet the first wise king was slain in utter horror at the slopes of the volcano of ashes and tyranny, but the realm nonetheless prospered in the third era of the world, unto another disaster which in mayhem all had thrown, for winter came in sudden manner and the evidence of fell magic was apparent to see, and internal sedition made the deed easier for the foul leader of those sorcerers of obscure nature, and although enemies were driven off by concerted effort, we still mourn and wail, for only a miracle could bring back what it was and what in the cold was magnificently built.

In the broad South tales took a different course, for the initial struggle for defence was at the end a successful of a contest, when the might of the Ring failed and the southern kingdom set a careful watch over the venomous territories of the fallen Land of Shadow, and in the days of the Third Age the realm grew in strength and power, and its influence was spread via the waves of the sea, by the Mariner-kings of whom we have heard much in legends and stories, and this domain of glory passed the test time, until it was of the Free People the only shield against the revenant malice that had slowly recovered in the shadows of ignorance, and albeit the weakness and the king who on the throne is missed, stone is resilient and the memory of Númenor shall indeed withstand even the hardest of the challenges that time presents.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #340 am: 17. Aug 2017, 23:55 »
They shall find retribution and rest

We shall wail for the poor souls whose lives were lost in Arda's pages of eventful happenings,
Yet the sole grief cannot be the only emotion that fashions and shapes the memories of what befell and of the old remembrances which secrets cover, unbeknownst to the most,
Because we know that time shall indeed judge and give the just retribution that is to mirror the nature of justice,
And they shall rest in peace and solace in the halls that lie beyond reality and beyond that more, while the brave and gallant forces are to strive still and the fell foes on their knees will bend in defeat.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #341 am: 18. Aug 2017, 01:16 »

The Second Age was written on sorrow and mourning,
And even along the sundering waves of the blue, sailing ships and the resolve of an island-kingdom spreading might on a mainland that needed safety more than anything else,
Domain of the sea that was passed to the exiled successors of such legendary tradition,
When in the Third Age of the World monarchs of Gondor were named as mariners and sea-men, expanding their glory beyond the common borders and forced ancient rivals into respect and obedience.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #342 am: 18. Aug 2017, 12:17 »
The green ways will stay secure

It is a time of quick changes and rapid, rapid movement to which some may not be used,
Especially the gentle souls of the Shire who desire the secluded life and the calmness of a quiet existence among their many goods,
And rumours spread from over the ends of such sunny context, and tongues murmur concerned words and of a shadow rising where the Sun rises too, in the Far East unknown and uncanny,
Hence, many questions asked and clarifications demanded, but the Grey Wizard has said that they will stay secure, so far when light still shines bright and never dim.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #343 am: 18. Aug 2017, 23:34 »
The memory of Elves is not to vanish asunder

The thoughts of the Immortals shall not follow the sad fate of mankind's memory,
Because our mind never falters in doubt and ever-crystalline always the clearest portrait of the case,
They shall not vanish asunder,
Nay, and in perpetual manner our conscience they are to serve, to rekindle joy, fear, sorrow and grief, and the very story of this world which grimmer in time gets.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #344 am: 19. Aug 2017, 16:49 »
Four wishes of tyranny

1. Lands I desire to seize in brutal contest and all wealth to snatch, for none may prosper under the rule of darkness and all tributes to me sole dedicated shall be, for I am the King of Middle-earth, who stomps and liberty strangles.
2. Enemy forces and armies and weapons shall no longer exist, as no menace they could pose for me, ruler and strategist of unmatchable kind, the other intelligences will not resist the strife which is to be, and on their feeble minds through riddles and snares I am to prey.
3. None may leave nor depart from the continent which mine is and so always it will, not even the secluded routes that yonder the odious immortal kind lead, for Middle-earth is a prison from which escape cannot be.
4. And I yearn my Rings back in my hands at all costs, with wars that I wage and call for, because the only Lord of the Rings I am, their magic and art belong to me, and the foolish fingers that in ill-judgement decided them to wield, they are mine still, and so their people, shires and hills!