[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Mordor Suggestions

New Dark Lord power

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Hi guys;
On the advice of the wise and smart DieWalküre i finally manage to create an account here on MU. I'm feeling i little bit lost because all it's new for me here. I think it's the right place to post my ideas anyway (i hope  xD). As i wrote on Moddb i have a new idea about Sauron; reporting what i wrote:

"Hey guys, i was thinking about a new power for the Dark Lord:
Since the Tol-In-Gaurhoth is an ability of both Sauron with the ring and Gorthaur, why do not keep it as a power of Gorthaur and replace it with something else when you pick up the ring? In this way the two forms of Sauron would be even more unique. Concering the new ability i was thinking about a hero-interferer ones, since from the lore the power of Sauron to control minds and deceive enemies is well known.
Also a hero-killer ability would fit: in the book Sauron kills Gil-Galad burning him alive.
Just an idea :)

- Also regarding the Necro-form i would increase a bit (something like 20%) the melee attack value. The low frequency of attack of the Necromancer is itself a sufficient penalisation in my opinion.

Let me know what you think about it Edain companions!!  :D

I am not in favor of this.
My reason is simple, Sauron can pick up the ring at any point in the game and once he has it, he cannot transform into any other form. Hence I think it is unfair to lock the player out of such a cool and powerful ability. In addition, Mordor only has one ring hero so your suggestion would force them to give up the ring if they wanted to build the fortress.
However, if Sauron was able to transform into other forms while he had the ring, I would support your proposal.

You are in the right place. Good job on the avatar, it took me months to figure that one out.  :)

And I'm very happy to welcome you here, industrious Aulë of many skills! Thank you for deciding to join the in-depth discussion going on in the forum. I'm sure you shall soon realise that this is the only place apt for conceiving worthy concepts and for letting them blossom in significantly important proposals. If you have the time to wander a bit throughout the English boards, you will discover many great suggestions that are just looking forward to being consulted. In doubt, you may always ask questions in the appropriate threads or PM me directly.

On the matter, I always fancied that ability (Gorthaur's fortress) due to its reference to the Elder Days and to the fact that it displays another trait of Sauron, consisting of him leading foul creatures with his magic; as we are truly told in the Silmarillion that Gorthaur had dominion over a wide range of dreadful monsters, of which evil spirits of any sort were a part too. That is therefore a feature that I find a good deal proper for his characterisation, if we also consider the defensive storm system (in line with the weather-manipulating motive which I enjoy very much). Said that, Sauron as the Dark Lord of Middle-earth is a slightly different matter in my eyes: as a concept, it's probably the quintessence of the Second Age and I don't deem it completely correct to grant him that possibility while in that form (even though he could certainly have raised that fortress again, if he had wanted to). Furthermore, Tolkien makes very clear that he had lost his shape-shifting abilities after the disastrous fall of Númenor (something he could no longer have retrieved); so that it might be possible to infer that he had also been deprived of that typology of magic. At least, not in the fashion as he would do in the First Age as Gorthaur (when he used to be feared as a deadly sorcerer). Nevertheless, I don't feel like coming up with a proposal myself, because I would rather listen to what other people have to suggest. Yet I would be glad to participate, should an interesting alternative for his Ring form arise.

As an off-topic consideration, it's equally good to see that there is someone who has given back dignity to that name ('Aulë'), as it had become in the past a misnomer indicating awful attitude and over-the-top behaviour in this forum. It's comforting to know that the good name of the smith-Vala now rests in good hands  ;)

Dear lordof links  ;)
I understand your point but there are many other situations in the game in which you have to make choices among different cool things: Galadriel ring-form (the two form are really opposite one to the other), another is when you pick up the ring with Saruman and you have to abandon "Power of Speech" (very powerful ability that also allow you to avoid banner carriers purchasing  [ugly]) and many other examples. I think the logic of Edain 4.0 is itself a matter of choiches between different strategies/magics/powers. 
Furthermore as Diewalküre said concernig Gorthaur: powers and creatures of Tol-In-Gaurhoth are something  coming from ancients times (they "taste" like Melkor i don't know how to explain better this feeling  [ugly]) so they rightly belong to Gorthaur ("Power of Past Ages").
Anyway I'm already thinking about how and what implement as a power properly. The idea of Sauron burning heroes is attractive  [ugly], but  it could be repetitive with respect to the Necro fire-form.
Also the ability of control minds of the heroes could be fitting: if we think about  how Sauron debauchs Saruman's mind to use him as a puppet.
I need your help to develope something very cool and fitting  8-)

Diewalküre you are as always too kind. I don't know what happened in the past but that is my idea of Aulë: a wise and hard-worker smith which doesn't put himself over the others but try to help offering all the knowledge he has (with some edges,but hey nobody is perfect).  xD

p.s.: my profile picture is clearly a source of inspiration to create mischiefing and interfering powers  [ugly]


--- Zitat von: AulëTheSmith am  4. Apr 2017, 12:56 ---Diewalküre you are as always too kind. I don't know what happened in the past but that is my idea of Aulë: a wise and hard-worker smith which doesn't put himself over the others but try to help offering all the knowledge he has (with some edges,but hey nobody is perfect).  xD

--- Ende Zitat ---

Yours is in fact a loyal definition of the Vala's temperament and nature. Quiet and supportive. Regarding the past, let's say that the 'other Aulë' was the exact opposite of you. Clearly, one of my moderating nightmares. An utter nightmare  :D

Regardless of the character depicted, every Avatar that has to do with Age of Mythology just commands respect.


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