19. Feb 2025, 12:46 Hallo Gast.
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Autor Thema: Looking for someone to play mainly 2v2s, but also maybe 3v3 and 1v1  (Gelesen 5562 mal)


  • Gast
Hi peepz,

my friend and I are fairly new to the Edain mod, and we'd like to improve our skills by playing 2v2 games, or even 3v3, if there are enough people. In most of the cases the tunngle servers are quite empty or the there don't answer, so we haven't been able to play any 2v2 yet lol. It would be really cool if there is someone who'd like to join us in this adventure :D



  • Wanderer des Alten Waldes
  • *
  • Beiträge: 54
  • Balin,the son of Fundin, at your service ;)
Hi Vlad
Do you use Gameragnger. There are aprox 20 players who are playing daily. If You are not good to play against them say I will observe than see tactics and try to discus about it with other observers and players. Make friends and get in community :D
My nickname in GR is Geeraz.

Good luck.
"What have we done, O king? Is it a crime to be lost in the forest, to be hungry and thirsty, to be trapped by spiders?"