[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Mordor Suggestions

Mollok - The Troll Chieftain

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I've already talked about my ideas for this hero before. However, I'd like to make a new topic so that it can be discussed properly. The following plan is a refinement of my original plan, with a lot of help from Samsara no Mei (SP19XX).

The issue that a lot of people have will Mollok is his vulnerability. He easily charges into enemy armies, gets stuck and surrounded, and then takes massive damage. As a large troll, he can be easily targeted by archers, and he has a much larger weakness towards pikes than 90% of other heroes. This can be solved by a combination of slightly improving his armour (especially against pikes and archers) as well as reducing his trample so he doesn't get stuck in any armies (he doesn't need the trample anyway thanks to his AOE).

However, another large issue with Mollok is how redundant he is. He's currently classed as a mix between Building Destroyer and Mass Slayer. However, Mordor already have Khamul as an effective siege hero, and countless methods of crowd control (Nazgul debuffs, trolls, Gorthaur, the Necromancer's attacks, the Witch King). Samsara and I have therefore decided to rework his abilities.

Level 1: Blood of the Weak - Mollok heals 2% of his maximim health each time he kills a unit or hero (passive). If activated, Mollok consumes a target allied or enemy unit (does not affect heroes), healing himself for 50% of his maximum health. This passive is then disabled for 90 seconds.
This ability immediately gives Mollok some longevity (obviously, the amount of health recovered and cooldown can be changed according to balance). It also has its origins in the book version of Return of the King:

--- Zitat ---“The great troll-chief that smote him [Beregond] down bent over him, reaching out a clutching claw; for these fell creatures would bite the throats of those that they threw down”
--- Ende Zitat ---

Level 3: Rage: Mollok charges toward the target unit, hero or monster, knocking them down, and knocking all other units and heroes around them away. If the target is a troll, Mollok will convince them to permanently serve for Mordor.
This ability is mainly used to disrupt enemy forces, allowing the rest of the Mordor forces to take advantage. Obviously the main drawback is that you may charge into pikes, which would mean that the player would need to use it wisely. The troll conversion can start to introduce his role as a troll leader.

Level 5: King of the Trolls - Mollok utters a shout each 60 seconds, increasing the armour and speed of all trolls near to him by 25%, lasting 15 seconds. If an allied troll dies in the presence of Mollok, he will utter a battle cry, doubling the bonuses for 15 seconds.
While Trolls can be useful in Mordor currently, they could do with some improvement to make them more viable. This would provide that and give Mollok a clear role in the faction.

Level 7: Leap - Mollok leaps to the target location dealing minor damage, creating a shockwave that throws all units and heroes in a medium radius back.
I’ve changed the effect of leap to reduce the Mass Slaying impact that Mollok would have (after all, Mordor already has the Witch King and Sauron). Instead, he is more of an disrupter, disrupting enemy forces and allowing your orcs to press the advantage. By knocking over an enemy army, the ability allows your trolls to move unobstructed for a small time as well, supporting Mollok's role as a troll leader. However, it is a dangerous ability as, once the army recovers, Mollok is left surrounded, and so it would need to be used carefully. This ability also references Mollok’s appearance in the films, where he manages to fight and knock over Aragorn.

Level 10: Assault of the Trolls - Mollok temporarily summons three Attack Trolls from the Trollshaws, each wielding a different weapon. Trolls in the area of the summon are rallied, healing for a small amount.
This ability is staying mainly because it reinforces Mollok’s role as a troll leader. By having each troll have one weapon, it can be more versatile (but won’t be immediately devastating when combined with Troll Chieftain’s bonus as you won’t be able to immediately destroy massive armies). It also can be used to slightly support currently existing trolls. The heal will not affect Mollok as he already has a way to heal himself.

Overall, Samsara and I have reworked Mollok into a troll leader with some tank aspects. Like most tanks, he is also able to disrupt enemy forces. Neither of these roles are present in Mordor currently, allowing Mollok to fill a hole in the faction. We hope that this will make him more viable, and look forward to hearing your feedback.

I really like this! It overall would make Mollok more worthy of using, as his current role is already overlapping with other heroes on Mordor. This would give him capabilities that the faction currently misses, and I'd say he would actually be worth his price thanks to this, alongside with the removal of trample that ends up making him so frail. Both that and his healing capabilities would make him much more durable than he currently is, thus becoming fitting of the powerful troll he's supposed to be.

Great work!


--- Zitat ---Mollok heals 2% of his maximim health each time he kills a unit or hero (passive).
--- Ende Zitat ---
Interacting with fallen enemies isn't possible in such a way.

Thanks for the support Julio!

An alternative that Samsara and I discussed would be him gaining health every time he attacks. To compensate, the health gained per hit can be reduced to 1% of his maximum health if 2% is too overpowered.

Tiberius Ogden:
I think that this thread and that thread https://modding-union.com/index.php/topic,32656.0.html can be merged into one Mollock's thread.

I certainly agree that only named Mordor's troll is quite strange. He can do mess on the battlefield, which is cool, but he is also annoyingly vulnerable.

Truth is, that Mordor doesn't need too many mass slayers, especially when faction completely lacks tank hero. Strong troll who individually fought with the king of the men Aragorn, and resisted, is definitely great candidate for this job. Oak's idea is fine, although I would rather to see more tankish abilities with unit disruptor aspect (that is something what I'm proposing for Grimbeorn, because both are strong and tall) and unit-troll supporter aspect represented maximally in one ability.


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