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Autor Thema: Gifts of Lórien  (Gelesen 25057 mal)


  • Edain Unterstützer
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Re: Gifts of Lórien
« Antwort #30 am: 25. Feb 2019, 02:55 »
I'm glad to present Thranduil's new Gift. The following is obviously fictional lore of mine, but nonetheless any less consistent. This way we'll provide this proposal with the needed canonical accuracy of the case. Hence, not just a random jewel made of thin air, but rather a powerful heirloom in the wise hands of the Lady of Light ;)


The Emerald Stone of Estë, known also as Verdemárë, Springberyl, or Greenwonder, is one of the most renowned gems in Elven-lore. It was originally hewn from the very Pelóri chain during the Years of the Trees, before the Elves even walked the earth. In the Day afore days, bathing the Ainur in the eternal morning of Valinor, Aulë had cloven an emerald gemstone from the sheer ore and rock of Aman; he afterwards fashioned that raw regal brooch in the mode of the Gods of Arda, resulting in the stupendous crafting of a magnificent jewel, later entrusted to Estë, the Valië of Solace and Rest, as a precious gift of goodwill and friendship between two venerable ones of the Powers.

It occurred, then, that Melyanna (Melian) was one of the Maiar who served Estë and tended her gardens inside the Blessed Realm. An ever-young place of mirth and restoration, where the Valar and their lesser kind used to refresh themselves, thereby ridding their weary spirits from the burdens of time and passing ages. The People of Estë are fond above all else of woods and sylvan ways, in which all wonders of the green would grow unsullied and nurtured by the preserving skills of the Valië's own servants. It is also here that Fëanor's beloved mother, Míriel, fell asleep on evergreen meadows and thenceforth parted from her physical body, consumed and spent by the very child to whom she had given birth. Thereafter, her spoils lay motionless, as though embalmed, taken care of by the angels dwelling in those shires of recovery.

Melian was accustomed to visiting the grey lands beyond the sea, voyaging oft to Middle-earth and enjoying its gloomy forests, which still slumbered and awaited the coming of the first sun, that was to appear many centuries after. Meanwhile, this fair Maia would try to cure the wounds of a benighted world, solely lit by starlight, and prepare those dreary places for a spring destined to blossom in future times. Prior to what would be her very last journey from the Undying Lands, as she was bound to encounter a lost Elwë amidst the woods of Beleriand, Estë, her Queen, decided to endow her with Verdemárë, divining her maiden's future of joys and subsequent sorrows. The Valië's emerald gem had been blessed and hallowed, meant to shield its bearer from perils, arming him or her with a resistant magical veil which granted protection against hostile powers. In it was even a tiny fragment of the ancestral light infusing the Lit Earldom with perennial beatitude, opposed to hazard and anguish pervading the Hither-Lands. Therefore, that holy beryl she had carried from yonder-shores had partly contributed to render Doriath a cheerful, happy realm, amidst the imperious and cruel deeds of Morgoth, plaguing Middle-earth as the worst sickness ever befallen until that moment.

However, neither that sacred jewel nor Melian's widespread Girdle were enough to avert a fate that had already been decreed: Doriath was plunged in misery and utter ruin, ravaged and rent by hubris and greed. Nevertheless, before the mourning queen was to leave Beleriand to reunite with her murdered king, the Emerald Stone was bequeathed to Galadriel, Finarfin's daughter and fair princess of Kôr in Aman, for such potent artefact would avail the Noldorin dame in later eras, filling reeds and forests with primeval beauty, akin to which very little was and would be to take place. Galadriel, in fact, became in the following centuries a mighty Elven-lady, worshipped and famed among the Eldar as the sole of the Noldor-royals to have outlived the Elder Days. One of the very few left who had been alive during the Noon of Valinórë, now lost and gone forever.

After the defeat of Sauron in the Last Alliance war, the Second Age drew to an end and most of the dark forces haunting the world were either slain or routed to the filthiest caverns of Arda. The Elves were free from the One Ring's influence and so could use their Three Rings in liberty, despite their existence being concealed to the other races and to common Elven-folk, too. Nenya was wielded and used to halt the inexorable passing of time within the confines of Lothlórien, beautifying that kingdom beyond reckoning and turning the Golden Wood in a secret, timeless sanctuary where the doings of the Elves could still endure and eventually defy decay. Conversely, shadows reappeared in the adjacent vast eastern forests, forcing Thranduil to move his halls and woodland people to the northernmost boundaries of what was thenceforth renamed 'Mirkwood'. In one of their last meetings, before the two Elvish domains sealed their borders and increased the guard over wooded territories, the Elven Queen deemed it wise to gift her emerald beryl-stone to the Elvenking, since arduous were the challenges ahead and a pending doom was hovering above the carved halls of the Elf-sire.

While in Thranduil's hands, Verdemárë kept the memory of the Ancient West alive, even across the sullen vaults and chambers of the Woodland Kingdom. Although vicious creatures began to creep in the whereabouts of such secluded land, the king's temper was never shattered nor upset by despair. Venom, sorcery and deceits were all undone and annulled, for no stain will ever darken and mar the olden emerald relic, wrought in splendour by divine mind. It may have been, furthermore, that the very stone had lastly rekindled some buried, profound desires in the sylvan lord's heart, convincing him to eventually take the route of the western seas, once the wars against Sauron ended in triumph, and the time of the Immortals grew scarce and much precarious.

ESTË: "My kindly maiden of songs and fairness, receive this my gift for thee. 'Tis Verdemárë, the emerald beryl of mine, hewn from the very armour of our Everlasting Domain. Peradventure, thither wilt thou fare and not return, enthralled by fate's tumultuous course. Pray, may this craft unmake malevolent wills, if thou be'st to tread tenebrous paths, for its virtue doth well to cheer the cheerless and kindle woods anew to glory. Thou willest good to do, gentle dame, ere times are spent and worn: I wish thee speed and vigour. Forget not thine Evergreen Fields and Uttermost West!"


MELYANNA: "Galadriel of Kôr and Doriath, as such is the mode in which you're known to our woodland kindred, it is time I left these sombre ways of ours. This grim world shall no longer be the temple of my sanctified ghost. I shall part from mortal ends and bounds, relieving my spirit from anguish and grief. My husband is gone, smitten by greed and smothered by ruinous longings. Now shall you flee these ravaged halls; depart in haste from the coming of further ill! My exhausted flesh will not bind me for long. I languish and soon am I to fade. Yet, in sure faith I know: teachings of old shall prove worthy enough, be it seaside kingdom or forest-realm the shire you are fated to govern. That you shall do in the manner of queens and maids of yester-days.

Take this holy token and keep it sound! Springberyl they named in tales. The Queen of Rest had given it to me, to pass the sorrows of this age unscathed. It sufficed not, it seems, at the very last. Nevertheless, it will serve you well and fine: whoever is to bear the Emerald Stone dwells content in their own domain. Evil arts it resists and boldly withstands; in gloom and doubt, dark places it shall set alight. Fond remembrances of bliss it wakes astir. Pernicious wrongs it makes wherefore aright. Wield it wisely, until you might find another, prone to troubles and requesting aid.


GALADRIEL: "Elvenking, I glimpsed in your future and foresaw woes. Whether green and luxuriant boughs shall fall, is not to be known yet. Fates augur worse nonetheless. Vile beasts have crawled into the accursed heart of these dull woods. Famished creatures pry and lurk by the border of your dominions. A nameless fear swathes along sylvan lanes and drives the gentle away. And I dread that wights and spectres might not be the sole awful fruit of shadows, for an ancient will has taken residence in a ghoulish stronghold of darkness, plotting mischief against his foes and weaving snares to sow abroad.
What if blades, spears and mighty shields were not enough?

Marvel imbues Lothlórien already, shorn of burdens and toil. A secret lies within golden trees and adorned houses. Well armoured and ready are we to face storms and fire, albeit days feigning abeyance and enemies hiding cunningly their schemes. Please, may you heed these words of mine, as nights get colder and stars recoil, and accept this stone of yonder: the Greenwonder of Estë, Verdemárë, bringing spring where is only chill and winter; cleansing heavens from clouds and ash, when gales forebode tempest."


  • Edain Betatesting
  • Pförtner von Bree
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Re: Gifts of Lórien
« Antwort #31 am: 25. Feb 2019, 11:32 »
I'm for the proposal as it stands, and I think a good iteration as well would be for Thranduil then to gain his armour at Level 5 passively, when he gains access to his Elk Mount. This would keep him in line with other heroes as well such as Theoden.

Tiberius Ogden

  • Gast
Re: Gifts of Lórien
« Antwort #32 am: 26. Feb 2019, 00:11 »
good iteration as well would be for Thranduil then to gain his armour at Level 5 passively, when he gains access to his Elk

Feel free to check Thranduil's proposal, any feedback is welcome. ;)

I'm glad to present Thranduil's new Gift. The following is obviously fictional lore of mine, but nonetheless any less consistent. This way we'll provide this proposal with the needed canonical accuracy of the case. Hence, not just a random jewel made of thin air, but rather a powerful heirloom in the wise hands of the Lady of Light ;)

It's really nice story, Walk, and great idea that you involved Melian. I always thought that Phial with Light of Earendil isn't only thing which she owns from the noble times, when elves were more prominent, but that definitely has something from her teacher and friend, Maia Melian, as well.
Something what would Elvenking accept. :)
So only seven gifts left. I am looking forward to read other backstories. xD
« Letzte Änderung: 26. Feb 2019, 00:21 von Tiberius Ogden »


  • Edain Unterstützer
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Re: Gifts of Lórien
« Antwort #33 am: 26. Feb 2019, 02:09 »
I'm very happy that you find it a valuable background story for the Elvenking's Gift. I believe it's going to be the only big, elaborate tale which seeks to clarify contexts and relative circumstances. After all, it's probably the noblest of the Gifts that Galadriel decides to bestow upon a hero: it therefore deserved a solid and robust explanation ;)

As we were conversing on Discord, I do think that this fictional fragment of the canons succeeds in ensuring continuity across various and much different ages: the Years of the Lamps and of the Trees (or else known as the Sunless Years), the Elder Days/First Age incarnated in Melian's guidance, and the Third Age of Arda, when Thranduil's resolve is put to test by war. Other themes are the Woodland King's interest in gems and ancient Elven heirlooms, and the Emerald Stone makes for a sublime candidate, and the traditional magical essence surrounding holy artefacts of yore, especially if they were conceived across the sea and then brought to Middle-earth; we are told in the Silmarillion that the Valar had made great store of pure and blessed items or craft, saving their creations from the ruin that had befallen their first, ancestral residence in the symmetrical primitive world. Afterwards, we read that in Valinor they made even fairer and grander things, of which Verdemárë is an integral part.

Additionally, we may consider another aspect of great import: the intrinsic value of the gemstone is also metaphorical. It embodies the king's unfaltering will to persevere and vanquish his fearsome enemies, in spite of loss and personal tragedy. As a last contour-passage, we do not know what is of Thranduil after the War of the Ring. Some state that, unlike many of his folk, he chose to linger on in an ever-decaying world; on the contrary, I like to imagine him electing the way of the western seas, in the eventual moment, hence reuniting with his son on the immortal shore of the Eternal Kingdom. His Emerald Stone may have kept the memory of the Blessed Realm alive, convincing him to follow the ultimate fate of all Elves.

Some pivotal topics out there. It goes to show how this tale is profoundly interwoven in the general lore. Of course, a truly kingly gift that the Sindarin monarch would more than willingly accept from the most powerful Elf-sorceress of all times 8-)

In so doing, the very idea of a silver armour would stay unique and related to Celeborn only. It's certainly a favourable occasion to distance ourselves from a weapon-based logic, because, as someone once put it very bluntly and efficaciously:

"The Lady of Light is not a walking armoury!"

Many thanks, again :)


  • Edain Unterstützer
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Re: Gifts of Lórien
« Antwort #34 am: 26. Feb 2019, 13:26 »
I am for your suggestion :)


  • Edain Betatesting
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Re: Gifts of Lórien
« Antwort #35 am: 26. Feb 2019, 20:40 »
So after some discussion with Oakenshield & Walkure on the Discord chat another proposition we came up with for both Treebeard & Quickbeam to have diverse benefits from the gifts of Galadriel was to again repurpose the old gift that Sam used to contribute but in a new manner that works more closely with the nature of Ents.

In this Quickbeam - the more aggressive and fragile of the Two Ents would retain the Ewer Gift (assisting with his aggressive nature & sustaining him). While Treebeard would obtain the repurposed gift in the following format;

For effective purposes - the current image of the seeds belonging to Sam could still be used.

With this it promotes two aspects of Treebeard's characterisation: The shepphard of the forest who is able to control the usually wild Huorns to act on his behalf and his desire to bring back the forestry which was destroyed at the hands of Saruman in his greed for power of industry. This power would act for defensive purposes - allowing Treebeard to call upon a Huorn with permanent duration to protect a set location (so while the Spellbook power conjures up many in a large area one solitary huorn is called to act as a permanent defensive unit) giving them diverse and contrasting purposes as the Spellbook Power is designed to be used in a more offensive manner.

The addition then of when being used in a different area causing the seed bed to collapse and be replaced with a forested area then serves two purposes; limiting the power of the ability so that only one Huorn can be called at a time but also giving a forested area that can be used as a target of their new spellbook powers & captilize on the stealth themed aspect of the faction while still conveying the portrayal of undoing the damage that Saruman had inflicted upon the landscape - as once the Huorn leaves the seed bed can flourish into it's own enchanted forested area.

From a lore perspective - Ents & Huorns are creations of Yavanna - And as such a gift born of the power of another Valar or Maiar did not seem appropriate for Treebeard - it also ties the presence of Yavanna into the faction even further as the only such representation of these at the moment exist as the Ents themselves and the Spellbook Powers of the Huorns & of Radagast.

Tiberius Ogden

  • Gast
Re: Gifts of Lórien
« Antwort #36 am: 26. Feb 2019, 21:08 »
I really like that suggestion that follows our debate above, I also thought about implementing permanent huorns, such a pitty when finally are in the mod, they are only temporal. So implement permanent huorn for defensive purpose is also "back to roots" idea, cause huorn, only one huorn, was firstly presented by Edain team as a defensive tool, via spellbook.

I would only remove "forested area" because it is too similar to central spell and maybe even strong for pure gift which also generates huorn. So I've added only "regular tree" after huorn is destroyed or replaced. Such tree can receive blessing from spellbook spell and then will heal, but won't work as a hidden area - that is task for central spell or for mist.

Seed Bed of Yavanna
Plants a seed bed on which a Huorn will sprout after a few seconds. If a new seed bed is planted the existing Huorn leaves, turning the seed bed into a regular tree.


  • Edain Unterstützer
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Re: Gifts of Lórien
« Antwort #37 am: 27. Feb 2019, 02:41 »
Someone, quite suspiciously and in secrecy, has sent me this brilliant icon sporting Galadriel's sacred ewer. If I have to tell, I dare say that this little helper from the outer places of the forum will certainly aid the community in the future as well. Just ask, and you shall be given ;)

I thought it better to focus on this saintly, pure object. Having Galadriel pop up in the picture would have likely diverted attention from our renowned gift, since, as it's known to every sane fan, the Lady of Light always steals the scene 8-)

Furthermore, I do not come with empty hands in terms of background stories. Brace yourselves:

The Elven-queen is fabled and said to make usage of a vast panoply of blessed items. Whether it be for the benefit of her folk's skill or the good of all kindly living things abiding nigh the woods, she ever confers wisdom and precious tools to utilise in dire need, as sundown approaches and dusk is about to cast its long shadows on lands and waters. What gets marked by her charming touch is thereafter rendered a prodigy; a token of prime speed. Among such works of finesse are counted the Golden Wood's Ewers, bearers of crystalline drops and beads, to bring comfort to the thirsty and mend the grievous wounds plaguing the yore-dwellers of the green. Wherefore, it sometimes occurred that trees chanced at night to walk afield, along the common lanes of Middle-earth, unseen and unnoticed, to bathe and seek relief by the brooks of the Mistress of Magic's unsullied domain...

Very few but the sole Wise verily know that the exact art of water-cure was founded in the antique days of Doriath, when the Hither-Lands were still fraught with deeds, melded with either desperation or glorious remarkable events. An age of princes, fallen kings and ruthless devils. Within the heart of the vast central forests, however, reeds and saplings would reside soundly and fain, behind the sundry shields of the Angel-queen whom fables oft recount.

GALADRIEL: "Well-fashioned Ewer of mine, you have served Immortals, mankind, beasts and fowls. The ken which made your form was born in yester-times. Shires now sunken nether western tides, that once were fullness of might and splendour, and yet darkened by sweeping dread, for the Iron Mountains raged aloud amidst frost and flames.

Nevertheless, great store of light was hoarded inside halls of stainless making, held by one forefather of the Elvish kindred. Beside him was a spirit of yonder, bespoken as marvellous enchantress of old and belonging to the bright kind that treads the deathless ways beyond the earthly blues. Beneath cloven bastions and hallowed boughs much I have learnt and was taught; marvel, arts and forgotten wisdom. Streams would carry anointed waters to and fro, hither and thither, for every subject, sentient or not, to partake in the merrymaking of the jubilant woodland kingdom. Fresh nourishment reviving wasted roots and perished branches; holy aqua which sickness heals and cleanses for good. Pray, may you still be laden and welled with Lothlórien's river-soul, that washes dirt away and ailing trees rewards with vim."

Tiberius Ogden

  • Gast
Re: Gifts of Lórien
« Antwort #38 am: 27. Feb 2019, 03:10 »
When I started this thread, I stated that I want famous Gifts of Lorien to be really nice again. :)

Bottomless Ewer fulled with water from sacred Lothlorien streams, which permanently slowly heal and clean Lothlorien's environment and everything alive - thanks to great power of the ring of water - is really nice gift for agile and "young" but vulnerable Ent Quickbeam, from the same young elven queen.

Thanks again for wonderful story Walk! Pleasure to read. ;)

Now we should only decide, if Ewer will slowly heal only Quickbeam or surrounding ents as well. Treebeard provides quite a strong leadership for ents, but can't heal them ... and because ents are only siege weapons for Lothlorien, I would really consider heal for others via gift as well. Either way it will be really slow heal, nothing strong.
But it would be similar to Galadriel's ultimate spell.

Or ... permanent slow heal only for Quickbeam, but in addition, resistance to fire? It would make from agressive ent quite a threat on the battlefield and such resistance would be logical - water against fire. Water from Galadriel's ewer against fires of Isengard. ;)
« Letzte Änderung: 27. Feb 2019, 04:39 von Tiberius Ogden »


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Re: Gifts of Lórien
« Antwort #39 am: 27. Feb 2019, 15:25 »
I like this gem suggestion, but why not make the gem silver or white, rather than green as it is said that Thranduil had a particular interest in white or silver gems, and Galadriel is the White Lady after all.

Tiberius Ogden

  • Gast
Re: Gifts of Lórien
« Antwort #40 am: 27. Feb 2019, 15:48 »
It's made from silver, only colour is green, like nature, forest or Lothlorien/Mirkwood kingdom. xD
Above is only legend. :P
It doesn't really matter, it's just powerful and nice gem which provides great magic resistance to person who owns it.
« Letzte Änderung: 27. Feb 2019, 17:16 von Tiberius Ogden »


  • Edain Unterstützer
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Re: Gifts of Lórien
« Antwort #41 am: 27. Feb 2019, 17:09 »
I like this gem suggestion, but why not make the gem silver or white, rather than green as it is said that Thranduil had a particular interest in white or silver gems, and Galadriel is the White Lady after all.

An emerald jewel is honestly far more unique a concept, in my opinion. As Tiberius pointed out, the common thread underlying the gem's own story has primarily to do with woods and sylvan kingdoms of early eras (Doriath and then Lothlórien); Estë herself is connected with flourishing gardens as well. You may notice the correspondence between those two woodland realms, and the fact that this precious piece of brooch is entrusted to another sovereign under trees, splendidly reinforces the mentioned 'green core' of the proposal.

On the other hand, Elves own tonnes of diamond-white stones already; in addition, that type of treasures is generally linked to quite sorrowful happenings in the lore, and to greed. Thus, I didn't want to go for something clichéd and repetitive. I intended to come up with more extravagant ideas ;)

Sure, she's the Lady of Light, but Verdemárë was not her making :P


  • Heiler von Imladris
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Re: Gifts of Lórien
« Antwort #42 am: 27. Feb 2019, 21:17 »
I like this gem suggestion, but why not make the gem silver or white, rather than green as it is said that Thranduil had a particular interest in white or silver gems, and Galadriel is the White Lady after all.

An emerald jewel is honestly far more unique a concept, in my opinion. As Tiberius pointed out, the common thread underlying the gem's own story has primarily to do with woods and sylvan kingdoms of early eras (Doriath and then Lothlórien); Estë herself is connected with flourishing gardens as well. You may notice the correspondence between those two woodland realms, and the fact that this precious piece of brooch is entrusted to another sovereign under trees, splendidly reinforces the mentioned 'green core' of the proposal.

On the other hand, Elves own tonnes of diamond-white stones already; in addition, that type of treasures is generally linked to quite sorrowful happenings in the lore, and to greed. Thus, I didn't want to go for something clichéd and repetitive. I intended to come up with more extravagant ideas ;)

Sure, she's the Lady of Light, but Verdemárë was not her making :P

Greed. Well yes, Thranduil is greedy. I mean, he would start a war for one piece of gems. Maybe it was because he had emotional attachment to them, but still an unwise decision imo.


  • Edain Unterstützer
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Re: Gifts of Lórien
« Antwort #43 am: 27. Feb 2019, 22:53 »
Right, it's more complex than mere greed. I was rather thinking about Dwarves and their strife while combating drakes and shadows. Notwithstanding that, the annals of Arda are fraught with tales ending very bad for Elves, at whose centre lie magical artefacts of akin category: the Silmarils, the Rings of Power and the lost gems which Thranduil ardently covets. That's the reason why I've opted for a more innovative design :)


  • Heiler von Imladris
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Re: Gifts of Lórien
« Antwort #44 am: 28. Feb 2019, 00:31 »
Maybe you are right. Reading a little i found out that green gems (emeralds) are the favorite among the elves. I just hope Aragorn won't be given the Elfstone at some point, cause it would cause the copy of this one. Eventually you persuaded me to change my mind. I like the concept, it overall summarizes the essence of Thranduil's personality - the most suitable thing Galadriel would think of bestowing Thranduil would be a nice piece of gem, that holds the essence of the forest and grants protection from the White Lady herself. It would be nice if the shield would also be green (or green-ish) to suite with the gift itself.