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Feedback: Horde maps

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Le Sournois:
I noticed that in Helm's Deep Horde map, at the end of the challenge, the random waves are not balanced at all.

The best illustration of it are the Uruk Hai waves.
They all come with forged blades and have a high level (4 or 5)
What is interesting is that some will have heavy armors and others won't.

If you save the game just before a random wave and have fun seeing the different possibilities, you can notice those different possible waves of Uruk Hai :

-12 Uruk batallions without heavy armors (well, fine)
-12 Uruk batallions /6 with heavy armors, and 6 without (that's a big difference but OK let's do it)
-20 Uruk batallions/10 with heavy armors and 10 without (why... ?)
-20 Uruk ballions all with heavy armors (what the hell...?)

There you can see the amazing difference between the easiest wave and the hardest wave. And that's not something like some waves that are harder for a particular faction such as Berserkers against the Lothlorien for example. No, that's a clear, tangible and humongous difference.

Then, often a victory in that challenge will be partially due to the fact that we had some luck, and that we had not the hardest waves against us.

I thought at the beginning that by keeping the wall even longer, those insane waves would not appear but I was wrong. They always can appear even if you did not anything wrong, they are not like punitive waves.

This type of luck issue ruins all the challenge. Luck should be bannished as much as it is possible so that the ending score or even simply the victory would reflect the skill of the player and not his luck.

Had this problem didn't exist, Helm's Deep Horde map would have been a great and highly interesting challenge. Because of that issue, it is not for the moment.

What I would fine very nice is putting all random waves without heavy armors at any case and add a fixed number of attackers with heavy armors who would come along each wave (for example, 3 additional Uruk Hai batallions or 2 additional Uruk crossbowmen with heavy armors).

In that way, the challenge would always be difficult but at least you would always face the same level of difficulty more or less, which would greatly improve this challenge in my opinion.

It's OK to put intentionaly some waves a bit harder, but not in that extent !

If I'm wrong in something I have said, or have not understood something about the random waves algorithm, I would be glad to know.

Anyway, as I said, the map otherwise is simply incredibly well done, there is not only bad things to say about it.

As far as I know, it works as it should. Although I agree that some of the later Uruk waves are a pain. Best strategy is too kind of orderly retreat, get your archers berfore the keep and heroes in front of them. Wing it with the heroes ^^.
You could also try and position them on the wall right to the gate, crossbows dont target them there, so you can kill of the berseks and take pressure of the heroes.

Yours kindly,


Le Sournois:
Maybe it works as it should, but isn't there a balance problem when you look at the four different Uruk waves possible ? If you always have the easy ones, luck is part of the victory.

Seems so ^^, but the horde maps are not meant to be an easy game, so I figure they are fine like that, and I made it on both difficulties with most factions, so for me at least it is ok, I always had more problems with the wall falling to quickly, but that is another issue.

Yours kindly,


Le Sournois:
You're right.
But easy or difficult is one thing, balance is another thing. A game can be very hard but balanced. That doesn't make the challenge less interesting, it's rather the contrary in my opinion.


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