[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Dwarven Suggestions

Thorin Oakenshield: King Under The Mountain

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Oak, i confirm, you can count me as in Favor  8-)

--- Zitat von: The_Necromancer0 am  5. Mai 2020, 22:31 ---A very interesting proposal, I like it. First the easy stuff: Gold of Erebor I think it would be neat if, purely as visual flair, piles of gold emerged in the area affected so that enemy armies battled each other surrounded by gold. Something like parts of this model (perhaps even the Arkenstore could make an appearance as the center piece?):

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Necro, the case wants that I've proposed to Oak something very similar  about a treasure appearing along with the Arkenstone, just about some hours ago on Discord. He can confirm that. You even save me the fatigue of searching an image of BMFE treasure pile  :D

To be honest, my idea was to make some treasure pile appears here and there in the starting base, along with the Arkenstone embedded in the center of the citadel when Thorin pick up the ring. It would make all the ring system more epic from a visual point of view, it would indicate the beginning of a new realm.  Maybe it could have some effect on enemy units, so functioning as a defensive tool. A "gold fever", similar to “Gold Of Erebor” but static and permantent, that drives the enemy mad.
I didn't take in consideration to make gold and gems appear when you activate the last ability. That could be a great idea too. Why not both?  :P

By the way, Is the ring function of Dain Ironfoot still named Durin's Heir in the new update?  It seems that Consuming Hatred is the new name. Now that Durin himself is retuned, the team get rid of the idea of "declaring himself last reicarnation..and so on" and just find a specific description for him. Maybe we should do the same about Thorin?

Last, i’d prefer some other name than “Possessive Nature”, maybe “Dwarven Fortune” or something similar?

Oakenshield, you are a wise and honest individual. Thank you for this. It really is a testament that a character that you admire heavily, and to use as a profile pic--just speaks to the weight of your argument.

I do agree with you fully! How did an Oakenshield make someone invulnerable to magic, smaug's fire, etc. I agree that it should only be against Archery and melee attacks.

I love his Gold option. I think that really works! So needless to say. But you all can count me in.


Thank you for the support dkbluewizard2 and AulëTheSmith.  :)

About the gold ideas, I really like both. There's no reason why there couldn't be gold in both the main base and as part of the Gold of Erebor ability. I like the idea of having it involve some kind of base defence passive as well although I don't think having it be dissent-related would work as it would be way too powerful. Maybe some kind of debuff related to cooldowns and experience gain could work with people losing their minds? I'll leave it up for discussion.

As for the Arkenstone, it can only be in one place at a time of course. We'd have to decide whether it would be better for it to be in the citadel or as part of the ability animation. Personally, I think I prefer it being part of the animation. But again I'll leave it up for discussion.

I agree on the Possessive Nature name not sounding quite right. I'd still want to put emphasis on the fact that this isn't a good thing though. Maybe Obsessive Fortune? Some extra name to replace Durin's Heir would also be a good idea. However, I've got no idea what sort of name would be appropriate here.


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