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Autor Thema: Analysis of Ring Heroes  (Gelesen 2509 mal)


  • Wanderer des Alten Waldes
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  • Beiträge: 52
Analysis of Ring Heroes
« am: 6. Aug 2021, 07:07 »
I wanted to compile a list here of the most interesting/fun Ring Heroes to play in Edain. I wanted to see if anyone agreed with me:

Awesome, canonical, fun to play, and perfected Ring Heroes:

1.   Galadriel – Edain finally did this modded character justice. Not only did they get her canonical self-correct, but she is absolutely versatile, feels new, and is all around enjoyable to play. From her powers off of Lorien’s powertree, to her aiding heroes, destroying buildings, or killing massive amounts of troops with her two different forms—Galadriel is the most fun Ring hero to play.

2.   Saruman – Whether you get Saruman the Corrupted or Saruman the Blessed, Saruman is awesome. He has fast acting spells, can go into his tower to effectively cause massive amounts of damage to troops and heroes alike, and he can even upgrade his own army. This wizard was given a great unique set of powers and skills, and Edain did him justice from the books. When he gets the ring he spams fire or lightning, which makes him even more fun to play. He is my second favorite Ring hero due to the unique and creative nature that the Edain Team followed.

3.   King Dain/Durin VII – Having a personal hand in this one, I love playing King Dain/Durin VII. King Dain is a great supportive unit, is one of the faster Dwarfs when he is in rage mode (can mount his pig), and he can summon Durin VII who can do all sorts of neat things ranging from building destruction, killing multiple troops, and aiding an army. Edain did these characters justice and did great with King Dain’s Ring function. 3rd Favorite.

4.   Thorin Oakenshield – Thorin is fun to play no matter what. He has great armor, can summon his nephews for extra abilities, helps gaining resources, and he can become invulnerable. When Thorin gets the ring, his abilities become better—and his invulnerability can be applied to the entire battlefield. Edain even took liberties to give him the Arkenstone (he only holds it when he’s dead in the books). This is fine and I love Edain’s approach to this character.

5.   Witch King of Angmar – The Witch King of Angmar was canonically done right and given such a unique and “cool” ring function, that I love Edain Team for this. He may even be a little too powerful, but that is okay by me. He is fun to play with his mass slaying mace, hero killing abilities, and he can freeze heroes and effect structures. I love getting the ring as the WK and he generally looks like an awesome wraith lord!

6.   Boromir – Boromir is a very cool ring hero, though he doesn’t have the domineering presence that the rest have, jumping to rank 10 and unlocking powerful hero units are always nice. Along with his summoning abilities, Boromir is ranked 6th due to his great potential and fun playability.

7.   Arvedui – Though the ring function is different for Arvedui, he is still a fun character to play. He can beef up other heroes, and his rank 10 ring hero ability is just outright OP against heroes. He is a beefy tank, but he doesn’t have the summoning abilities of Boromir nor the instant rank 10. While he is tanky, he doesn’t hold as much power as the others listed and that is why he is number 7.

8.   Lord Dain – A young rash character, Lord Dain is King Dain, but less cool, calm, or collected. While his ring function is cool, summoning Durin VII is just much more fun. There is nothing wrong with Lord Dain as he functions for his army. He is a great mass slayer with tanky potential. He is fun to play, though not as fun as others on this list.

Medium, Okay, Meh Ring Heroes:

1.   Theoden – I like Theoden and how he can support his army. I like how he functions as a hero and I love how Edain allowed him to nominate a standard bearer to carry his standard and extend his leadership. However, his ring hero abilities are okay and I sometimes wonder why he is considered a ring hero since he was easily taken over by Wormtongue. I know Edain was needing a ring hero for Rohan and none of the heroes really fit the profile, so they settled with Theoden. While this is okay and I have no issues with this, he just seems a little out of place. Especially since all those listed have actually met a ring bearer and Theoden never met Gollum, Bilbo, Sam, or Frodo in the canonical text.

2.   Sauron – I know what all of you are thinking, why isn’t the Lord of the Rings higher on the list. Personally, I love the Lord of the Rings as a hero, but I feel his character overall takes a long time to rank and I feel you have to devote your attention to what tasks are completed and what aren’t. He is more of a difficult and invective ring hero to play. I love his powers and his multi-purposes, and that is what counters the numerous tasks—but he just takes forever to level up in skirmishes and he moves/attacks so slow it is hard to pull him into or out of a fight. For that reason he is okay.

 Not right, semi-canonical, hardly fun to play:

1.   Elrond – Elrond’s army is a group of tanky warriors who have awesome loremasters. As the leader of this faction you would think that Elrond would be tanky and as awesome, but he feels underwhelming. His water horse ability is okay but there are better mass slayer moves, his mount ability is just a mount ability, but I feel Vilya and his skills as a healer could have been expanded on. For instance if he uses replenish on himself, maybe it heals him completely but doesn’t replenish his abilities. As far as Vilya goes, it is of strength, air, and is the greatest ring. I wish he could create a whirlwind around himself, but also launch a tornado or at least grant him a +100% damage and armor boost when he uses his whirlwind ability. This would make him stand out more.

2.   Gandalf- Finally we come to it at last, the least creative, interesting, or canonical member of the ring hero list. Gandalf is nothing but a lesser BFME1 mage. In fact, his spells are slow to carry out and when he does cast spells he is vulnerable, unlike Saruman. In BFME1 what made him stand out and work well is that he was immune to knockback and his istari light timer never dropped below half as Gandalf the White. Gandalf is more mobile than Saruman, but this doesn’t matter when you have to pause to cast a spell. To make matters worse, unlike all the other characters, he doesn’t even receive Narya—essentially, Gandalf has nothing new outside of the One Ring’s function which as the Grey, he becomes even slower and a menace to your own forces (which is canonical but not fun) you have to invest a good amount of time and resources for him to become the White and only then is he actually worth something. Gandalf overall as a ring hero is underwhelming which is shocking for a canonical character who chased Durin’s Bane up Durin’s Tower, stood up to Nine Nazgul (as the Grey), totally crushed Saruman as the White, and as the White wrestled with the Dark Lord in magic in order to save Frodo at Amon Hen. Clearly, he is not the most dangerous being in this mod next to Sauron—I would much prefer his summonable self from Erebor, at least he stuns warriors long enough to get his spells off and they are faster.


1.   Smaug – I am sure this awesome addition will be added to the perfected Ring Hero list. Though I wanted either Durin’s Bane or King’s Bane for the ring hero, Smaug is an excellent addition and I believe the Edain team will do him justice—maybe even too much justice. I hope he is not more powerful than Sauron…

2.   Blue Wizards? Don’t know if these guys will be ring heroes, if any of them are chosen, I hope they are less powerful than Saruman or Gandalf—however, I think having an archer ring hero would be awesome in which case Alatar would definitely fit the profile. Also, these two would be the only ones in the east to actually know what the One Ring is and what it could do.

3.   Gollum – Hey on Edain Wiki it says he counts as a ring hero. Maybe one of these days the team will have him be the master and devote a fun map to him as a ring hero. He needs revenge for us killing him all the time. LOL.