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Autor Thema: New spell for Caras Galadhon Pyjama Guards  (Gelesen 5309 mal)


  • Gast
New spell for Caras Galadhon Pyjama Guards
« am: 22. Okt 2021, 18:04 »
Hello everyone,

I have been thinking what could be done to make the Pyjama Guards more interesting, as their spells (especially the cloak spell) seem very lackluster compared to the Mirkwood Palace Guards and other Heroics now.

My idea was to give them a new spell (which could potentially replace the Elven Cloack or just be an additional spell). Based on Legolas' famous quote at the Battle of Helm's Deep (https://youtu.be/gXC-jJhFaUI?t=197), the spell could be called (please correct the Sindarin):

"Level 5: Faeg i-varv dîn na lanc a nu ranc:" For 20 seconds the Guards deal an additional 50% damage against enemies below 40% health (reduced to +20% damage against heroes), but only if the enemies are facing towards the Guards. Cannot be activated at the same time as "Thorn arrows".

Lore arguments supporting this change:
Given that they are Guards of Caras Galadhon, their job would be to protect Lothlorien's main city from intruders. If you imagine that an attack on Lothlorien would be a drawn-out battle, were the intruders are already harassed outside of Caras Galadhon, the Guards would be the last line before the enemies get into the city. Therefore, they would certainly wish to aim were accurately and exterminate the weakened but most tenacious enemies that have already made it so far through the forests.

Additionally, this ties in nicely with the scene from the movie with Legolas, who also tried to bring down a dangerous foe (the Berserker with the torch) before he got too far. This supports making the additional damage only proc when the enemy is facing/running towards the Guards. As Guards with a nice Guardian curriculum, they would also know which enemies are the biggest threat in an assault on Caras Galadhon, and would try to take them down with more effort. This new spell would also contrast nicely with the other spell "Thorn arrows", which is also about deterring the enemy from going forward (hence it only works when the enemies face towards them), but in another way.

Gameplay-based arguments:
First, this would make the Guards more interesting, as I have seen complaints about them being quite useless compared to other heroic units. Second, it would also fit nicely with Lothlorien's micro-heavy gameplay, as you would need to target weak enemies to maximize the efficiency of your guards.
Obviously, the numbers could be adjusted. If it's too difficult to do the thing with the direction, this part of the spell could be removed, and the damage lowered by e.g. 10%, and it still would be a nice spell. But I thought it might be possible coding it as a flanking damage from the far?

I think this would be nice to spice them up a bit and turn them into the ultimate Super Sniperz compared to their current state as a bunch of Head-and-Shoulders-addicts in nightgowns.  [uglybunti]


« Letzte Änderung: 22. Okt 2021, 18:44 von Vladimir »


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Re: New spell for Caras Galadhon Pyjama Guards
« Antwort #1 am: 22. Okt 2021, 18:33 »
"Level 5: Faeg i-varv dîn na lanc a nu ranc:" For 20 seconds the Guards deal an additional 50% damage against enemies below 40% health (reduced to +20% damage against heroes), but only if the enemies are facing towards the Guards. Cannot be activated at the same time as "Thorn arrows".

Damage scalar to objects based on health isn't possible as far as I'm aware and I doubt the Edain Team would be thrilled at the idea of implementing an ability that relies on one of BMFE's buggiest mechanic: flanking.

A more technically feasible idea might be to give the Guards their own version of "Ambush" which they would be able to trigger easily using their Elven Cloaks (which would have a much longer cooldown). This could fit with your idea of making them more interesting from a micro perspective.
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Re: New spell for Caras Galadhon Pyjama Guards
« Antwort #2 am: 23. Okt 2021, 13:53 »
Damage scalar to objects based on health isn't possible as far as I'm aware and I doubt the Edain Team would be thrilled at the idea of implementing an ability that relies on one of BMFE's buggiest mechanic: flanking.
Gotta agree with Necro here unfortunately.

A stronger version of the Ambush ability would be quite fitting.

Seleukos I.

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Re: New spell for Caras Galadhon Pyjama Guards
« Antwort #3 am: 23. Okt 2021, 15:08 »
A more technically feasible idea might be to give the Guards their own version of "Ambush" which they would be able to trigger easily using their Elven Cloaks (which would have a much longer cooldown). This could fit with your idea of making them more interesting from a micro perspective.
I like that idea!


  • Gast
Re: New spell for Caras Galadhon Pyjama Guards
« Antwort #4 am: 23. Okt 2021, 19:58 »
Ok too bad damage based on missing health does not work. I really don't know what's technically feasible or not.
I have two other suggestions then based on the suggested ambush mechanic:

Option A:
Lvl 5: Spell name: "Requires being stealthed for activation. While stealthed, the Guards select an area and monitor it closely. After 12 seconds, enemies inside the area are marked as "high threat" enemies. "High threat" enemies receive a debuff for 15 seconds, which makes them take an additional 30% damage but only from other Caras Galadhon Guards."

Gameplay arguments: The area could be marked in a way that both sides can see it with some sort of circle on the ground. Debuffed enemies could receive a colour debuff maybe. This could create an interesting tool for zoning, as due to the delay, the enemy could react and move high-value units out of the way. And it would be interesting for the Lorien player to try and predict where the damage buff would be more valuable. Or the Lorien player could try to combine it with the Mirkwood ambush mechanic that knocks enemies down, therefore making them stay in the dead zone.
Lore arguments: It still ties in with my previous arguments that as Guards, they would be watching an area and searching for the most threatening enemy.

If unit-specific debuffs do not work in the mod, maybe something like this could work? xD -->

Option B (B stands for boring):
Lvl 5: Spell name: "Requires being stealthed for activation. After 10 seconds, the Guards have spotted and analyzed the weaknesses of their opponents. For 15 seconds, they deal 40% increased damage to units in heavy armour by shooting where their armour is weak." (The idea is basically to make them deal URUK type damage for 15 seconds.)

Lore arguments: Same as above, you still get that additional damage, which you would want to put on high-HP units anyway.

Gameplay arguments: Why would it make sense to let them deal URUK damage now? As they are Heroic Archers, ideally you would most of the time want to focus the strongest units anyway to avoid overkilling your enemy. Therefore, this would be an easy way to implement the additional damage, which you would still need to micro correctly for maximum efficiency. The problem is that the micro aspect might lose its importance in the lategame against most factions, as most troops would have heavy armor. And since you get the Guards in the late game, you won't have to micro anything anymore...


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Re: New spell for Caras Galadhon Pyjama Guards
« Antwort #5 am: 10. Dez 2021, 00:02 »
The theme you proposed for the Guards sounds actually quite nice. It's always great in my opinion when the heroic units get more of a "background story", e.g. the Veterans  that go on vacation to Khazad Dum or recently the Palace Guards with the two stances.
Maybe the following spell could match the theme you proposed, and also implement the ambush mechanic.

Lvl 7: Deterring shots (only activatable while stealthed): The Guards emerge from their watchful positions and take aim on the enemy. For 20 seconds, they gain +15% range and vision (from 400 to 460) and +50% damage, but lose attack speed (from 2000ms to 2500ms).

These are just some numbers I came up with obviously. For comparison, Legolas has a default range of 400 as well, but gets a 25% vision and range boost with his spell. Also, please help on the attack speed numbers, I can't figure out how to do the math xD What would that be in attack speed reduction? -25% attack speed? :D

I think this spell would nicely fit the "Guard theme"  of sniping the most dangerous enemies and make the Guards feel for impactful. That's why it might be better as a lvl 7 ability, as it could potentially be quite strong. And it's also easy to implement :)