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Autor Thema: Edain Mod 4.6  (Gelesen 7215 mal)

Elendils Cousin 3. Grades

  • Administrator
  • Ringträger
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 5.997
  • German, Motherfucker! Do you speak it?
Edain Mod 4.6
« am: 30. Sep 2022, 18:11 »

Edain 4.6 introduces the new Misty Mountains faction, a fully reworked War of the Ring mode, both the good and the evil campaign from Battle for Middle-Earth II converted to Edain and much more.This download contains a full package of all files necessary to play the Edain Mod.

Download Now ( Downloads)

Filetype: [zip]
Size: 2,3 GB
Base Game: Rise of the Witch-king 2.01