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Autor Thema: Edain 4.4: Imladris Feedback  (Gelesen 18019 mal)


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Re: Edain 4.4: Imladris Feedback
« Antwort #15 am: 9. Jul 2017, 11:13 »
been playing for a very short time so i don't know much about balancing but i think the whole game is pretty solid but i feel the the imladris hero units (Veterans of the Last Alliance) should have the ability to switch from sword to spear because they are meant to be the oldest and most experienced warriors. and the hero's of imladris are a bit lack luster to me and i think that they did such a good job of making gil galad and you don't really get to use him but other then that everything about the game is awesome great job Edain team its so good and i'm looking forward to the new updates.


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Re: Edain 4.4: Imladris Feedback
« Antwort #16 am: 9. Jul 2017, 22:11 »
I agree with an enhancement of the heroes' performance, starting with Elrond, but I nonetheless believe that the whole ensemble of them fares quite well in the game, in the sense that each has a proper and defined characterisation. As for Gil-galad, the current implementation is pretty much the only way via which we can truly have the chance to play with him, being him a long-time dead legend during the War of the Ring. Although many people have suggested him be more effective than he is now, making him a permanent feature is not possible. We have to live with this limitation.


  • Bilbos Festgast
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Re: Edain 4.4: Imladris Feedback
« Antwort #17 am: 7. Okt 2017, 21:50 »
I like how Lothlórien and Imladris are both Elven factions, but feel as different from each other as all the other factions. They are very unique. I notice Imladris has a strong defense, but that it takes more patience to bring down the enemy fortress. When I first tried to defeat the enemy I did not take any siege weapons with me, which was a mistake. :D I am not sure whether Imladris has a less offensive army as the other factions, or that I had difficulty pushing through because I was fighting another Imladris as an enemy.

I like how Elrond picking up the ring results in the appearance of Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn and Gandalf as a combined unit.

''There is one who I could follow.. There is one I could call king..''


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Re: Edain 4.4: Imladris Feedback
« Antwort #18 am: 8. Okt 2017, 04:04 »
Imladris is supposed to be the faction representing quality over quantity, and it was crafted to be so. As far as my experience goes, Rivendell struggles a bit in the early game, as you need focus on gathering a decent force and purchasing upgrades; once your armies are in fact upgraded, the faction itself may turn into a kind of formidable juggernaut. Yet, you have to build things up first, as Isengard fares while it sets its war machine in motion. According to Elven ancient lore, Imladris endures in the Third Age as one of the last sanctuaries in Middle-earth, place of old wisdom and tradition. Hence, Rivendell's troops dispose of the greatest set of upgrades in the whole game, with double upgrades being the most recognisable of the features. In the end, it's therefore a matter of finding the right strategy that reconciles your needs in the game. In my opinion, it's generally wise to enhance defence in the initial phase, and then to unleash the full potential of the faction.


  • Bilbos Festgast
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Re: Edain 4.4: Imladris Feedback
« Antwort #19 am: 8. Okt 2017, 23:59 »
The quality over quantity approach is a great idea I think, because it is so opposite to the way Lothlórien seems to work. Lothlórien seems to focus more on speed, larger numbers and offensive gameplay. Their tree-like buildings are beautiful, but very vulnerable. I find Lothlórien settlements a lot more difficult to defend. Imladris may be slower, but at least I feel safe within the fortress. :) I don't mind Lothlórien's vulnerability though, I have been able to defeat all other factions while playing with them, so they are definitely not weak. I have only played on medium/hard though.

I wonder how the Elves were organized in the older versions of the Edain Mod? Was it a combination between the content of Lothlórien and Imladris? Were heroes like Elrond and Arwen part of Lothlórien? Or was all the content of Imladris absent before this faction was made?

''There is one who I could follow.. There is one I could call king..''


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Re: Edain 4.4: Imladris Feedback
« Antwort #20 am: 9. Okt 2017, 01:28 »
Walls may certainly provide that sensation of safety which naught else can give; I agree with you. That being said, I personally feel much safer within Lothlórien's castle than behind the mightiest wall of stone. It is perhaps connected with the great defensive features that the player can dispose of, thus making up for the lack of physical barriers. On top of all, the combination of the pervasive healing aura being emanated all over the fortress, the dreadful silver-thorn arrows and the mist (which someone named deadly mist) always proves itself a grand defence mechanism to be reckoned with.

I can't be of much help, if we are to make an enquiry into the Edain Mod's past, being it long and quite eventful. I may only tell you how the Elven factions used to function in the 3.8.1 version, replaced by the current 4.0 major upgrade. Well, both factions did exist as separate options back then. All was BFME2-based, though, and the generalities of the game were quite similar for every faction. Lothlórien was nonetheless characterised by speed and versatility, if my memory avails me well, while Imladris would still retain its quality-related essence; furthermore, pretty much all heroes were present at that time, despite having different abilities. Just to list some examples: Elrond had a more prominent mass-slayer connotation, Celeborn had been given an incredible set of powers which catered for multiple roles (from the one of a hero killer, to that of a unit supporter or even mass-slayer) and Galadriel was not as effective as she currently is. Now, they were given more defined roles in Edain 4.0, rendering the outcome more enjoyable and lore-accurate; Galadriel is a prime evidence of that, for she's now more in tune with her actual character and has at hand more interesting features to play with.


  • Bilbos Festgast
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Re: Edain 4.4: Imladris Feedback
« Antwort #21 am: 9. Okt 2017, 13:04 »
Now that you mention it, Lothlórien does have those mist and healing aura abilities.. Perhaps I have not appreciated their usefulness enough because I do not often leave units behind to defend the base. I mostly relay on the archers. The disposable tree houses definitely slow the enemy down, but Rivendell's walls and towers just feel like a more reliable form of defense.

I read somewhere that the Edain Mod had 6 factions in the beginning. I thought Imladris may have been one of the new ones. Great to hear that both Elven factions were already there from the start. I notice Galadriel is a powerful unit, especially against buildings, as long as she is kept at a distance. The choice to either accept or reject the ring is just great. Stuff like that really adds to the replay value of the game.

''There is one who I could follow.. There is one I could call king..''


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Re: Edain 4.4: Imladris Feedback
« Antwort #22 am: 10. Okt 2017, 02:04 »
I may speak with certainty for the sole 3.8.1 version. I'm not versed with the old past of the Edain Mod, to give a more explanatory answer. Not enough, at least. As far as I know about the matter, there must be a BFME1-based version of the very Mod. Something must have probably existed at the dawn of this project's life. Personally, I believe that Elves used to constitute a single faction, back at that time; once differentiation became more pervasive, they were presumably split in Rivendell and Lothlórien.

I notice Galadriel is a powerful unit, especially against buildings, as long as she is kept at a distance.

Aye, this is a very interesting reference to her role in the defeat of Sauron's forces during the siege laid against the Golden Wood. Tolkien himself narrates how Galadriel has torn down the fell walls of that eerie stronghold and purified its pits of venom. Hence, she was made a building destroyer too, able to summon the wrath of weather and crumble structures apart. Whether it be stone or wood, all bend and is quickly consumed by the Lady's formidable might.


  • Thain des Auenlandes
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Re: Edain 4.4: Imladris Feedback
« Antwort #23 am: 2. Dez 2019, 11:48 »
The Elves of Rivendell have arrived! Let us know how you're enjoying the new faction!

Power balances are perfectly established. Soldier numbers and limits are great. I wish glorfindel was more strong. Other than that, everything was really perfect.


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Re: Edain 4.4: Imladris Feedback
« Antwort #24 am: 2. Dez 2019, 12:00 »
If you want to see some changes made to Glorfindel you should check out these community concepts and show support to them if they interest you:
Glorfindel, the Elf in silver armour
Glorfindel Rework
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  • Thain des Auenlandes
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Re: Edain 4.4: Imladris Feedback
« Antwort #25 am: 4. Jan 2020, 14:21 »
I select the archers collectively and press x. But no upgrade. I have to select each soldier one by one and press x.The same problem is happening in the catapult launch feature as well. I have to choose one by one. Please correct this problem in 4.5. Or get an update, please. There is also the same problem, upgrading the features of other military units. I select and click the properties of the soldiers. But he wasn't impressed. Only one unit is affected. I tried this on a few different computers and saw this problem. Only for the imladris . Everything else is very nice. In short, soldiers are archers, horses or swordsmen. Helmets, arrows or armor upgrades are not by collective selection. I have to select each unit individually.For example, if there are 10 archer units. I have to choose each one individually.There is no such problem in other races. There are only imladris. Thanks in advance.

Or is there a simple way to fix this problem?

Seleukos I.

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Re: Edain 4.4: Imladris Feedback
« Antwort #26 am: 4. Jan 2020, 15:19 »
I actually never had this problem. At least not with the armor upgrade. Forged blades and the arrow upgrade are different, because Imladris can upgrade them once more. Because of this you have to select each unit individually to upgrade them with forged blades and then eregion blades.

Seleukos I.