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Autor Thema: Konzept-Diskussion: Allgemeine Konzepte  (Gelesen 172636 mal)

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Re:Konzept-Diskussion: Allgemeine Konzepte
« Antwort #135 am: 13. Sep 2010, 15:12 »
Man muss nicht alles so Realistisch machen wie es nur geht, sonst wäre das Spiel unspielbar.
Und die Balance wird damit auch über den Haufen geworfen.

Du nimmst mir die Worte aus dem Mund. Außerdem sind wir sowieso in einer Fantasywelt.  ;)

MCM aka k10071995

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Re:Konzept-Diskussion: Allgemeine Konzepte
« Antwort #136 am: 14. Sep 2010, 16:36 »
Da müsste man zuviel an den verschiedenen Einheiten rumschrauben, bis die Balance wieder ins Lot kommt. Beispielsweise hätte Lothlorien dadurch einen großen Vorteil, da es keine Schweren Rüstungen nötig hat. Bis man das wieder auf ein aktzeptables Maß gebracht hat, dauert es Ewigkeiten. Dafür ist der Aufwand zu groß und der Effekt zu klein.
Wäre ja nicht so, dass die größte Schwäche von Lorien die fehlenden Rüstungen sind, oder? Dass sie es nicht nötig haben, ist so definitiv nicht richtig-sie haben sie nötig, aber haben sie einfach nicht. :D
Nebelberge könnte Elitebogenschützen auch sehr sehr gut gebrauchen, haben sie aber trotzdem nicht.
Die Balance wäre damit wiederhergestellt, die Werte einfach ein kleines bischen heraufzusetzen. Punkt fertig aus.
Allerdings bin ich auch dagegen-ich finde es nicht wirklich nötig fürs Feeling udn es würde das Spiel unnötig verkomplizieren.

Allerdings fände ich das ganze bei einer speziellen Einheit eigentlich gar nicht mal so schlecht, nur pauschal sollte es meiner Meinung nach nicht sein...

Es kommt immer darauf an, etwas zu tun, was der Gegner nicht erwartet.


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Re:Konzept-Diskussion: Allgemeine Konzepte
« Antwort #137 am: 15. Sep 2010, 01:19 »
Zu später Stund bin ich noch wach um einen Fehler(?) zu beschreiben. Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob es hier rein gehört oder schon disskutiert wurde. Auf jedenfall finde ich es erwähnenswert.

Es geht um den Lade Bildschirm direkt bevor man ins Hauptmenü gelangt. Es ist also nur eine kleine Sache. Im folgenden Bild habe ich die Stelle Grün markiert die ich zu "bemengeln" habe. Kann sein das es so gedacht war aber ich finde es nicht so schön. Die Deckkraft des Schwertes wurde runtergeschraubt. Ich schlage vor das Schwert wieder 100% darzustellen aber in dem von mir markierten zu löschen damit es so scheint als ob das Schwert durch den Ring sticht.

Hier das Bild.


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Re:Konzept-Diskussion: Allgemeine Konzepte
« Antwort #138 am: 15. Sep 2010, 02:56 »
Ich find das passt so.


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Re:Konzept-Diskussion: Allgemeine Konzepte
« Antwort #139 am: 15. Sep 2010, 08:25 »


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Re:Konzept-Diskussion: Allgemeine Konzepte
« Antwort #140 am: 15. Sep 2010, 12:26 »
Mal ehrlich, dieses bild sieht man, wenn man Edain startet etwa 2 Sekunden, das Bild ist gut so wie es jetzt ist und es jetzt noch zu verändern - wegen 2 läppischen Sekunden - wäre meines erdenkens Zeitverschwendung
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Re:Konzept-Diskussion: Allgemeine Konzepte
« Antwort #141 am: 15. Sep 2010, 14:14 »
Mal ehrlich, dieses bild sieht man, wenn man Edain startet etwa 2 Sekunden, das Bild ist gut so wie es jetzt ist und es jetzt noch zu verändern - wegen 2 läppischen Sekunden - wäre meines erdenkens Zeitverschwendung
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Re:Konzept-Diskussion: Allgemeine Konzepte
« Antwort #142 am: 15. Sep 2010, 15:04 »
Mal ehrlich, dieses bild sieht man, wenn man Edain startet etwa 2 Sekunden, das Bild ist gut so wie es jetzt ist und es jetzt noch zu verändern - wegen 2 läppischen Sekunden - wäre meines erdenkens Zeitverschwendung
Da gibt es nichts zu erwiedern. :D


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Re:Konzept-Diskussion: Allgemeine Konzepte
« Antwort #143 am: 15. Sep 2010, 15:11 »
Mal ehrlich, dieses bild sieht man, wenn man Edain startet etwa 2 Sekunden, das Bild ist gut so wie es jetzt ist und es jetzt noch zu verändern - wegen 2 läppischen Sekunden - wäre meines erdenkens Zeitverschwendung
Jo, bei mir seh ichs sogar nur max. eine Sekunde ;)
Ist mir bis jetzt auch nicht aufgefallen, desswegen.
Aber ich finde auch, dass dieser Fehler nicht unbedingt DAS Problem darstellt ("Arbeit-Nutzen-Effizienz")
« Letzte Änderung: 15. Sep 2010, 15:14 von Dralo »


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Re:Konzept-Diskussion: Allgemeine Konzepte
« Antwort #144 am: 15. Sep 2010, 15:27 »
Okay, ist in ordnung wenn es abgelehnt wird. Bei mir läuft es auch kaum 2 Sekunden, dennoch fällt es mir immer auf. Es ist wie gesagt kein großes ding aber auf dem Weg zur Perfektion sollte man nochmal darüber nachdenken.


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Re:Konzept-Diskussion: Allgemeine Konzepte
« Antwort #145 am: 15. Sep 2010, 21:15 »
Also ich hab viele Konzept ideen auf Moddb geschrieben und wuerde gerne diese euch praesentieren, allerdings ist alles auf Englisch und ich moechte am liebesten nicht alles uebersetzen, da es ein ziemlicher Aufwand auf meinem Iphone sein wuerde :P
Sry, ich werde es vlt im laufe der Zeir uebersetzen..

It's a running conversation, so it might sound weird at times :P

Leveling units

How about making units also level up to lvl 10 and adding the same icon as in BFME above the banner carrier. I think that the units in edain level too quickly and so one doesn't really sense the attachment to a lvl 5 battalion that one would to a lvl 10 unit from bfme 1. I also dont think this would affect balancing too much, as all units would be given the same boost.. however, I do see the problem that turtlers with their archers might gain a substantial advantage, thus I propose that units of level 10 are equally strong to units of level 5 in the current version. I also think the pace at which they level should be the same as in bfme skirmish...

its a lot more rewarding, than getting a mountain troll to level 5 after having used it to kill 3 battalions of archers :l... I'm also pretty sure that leveling up effects both attack and hit points. I think, however, that leveling up should affect the units abilities, thus I think, for example, cavalry should be less vulnerable to pikemen, as they are better at manuveuring their horses, and archers should deal more damage as their chances of getting a critical hit improves.. however archers shouldn't get too strong as that might become imbalanced..

Since standard units generally consist of a battalion of a minimum of 5, I think it's safe to assume that they more than capable of killing as many heroes, however then it also depends on the type of unit a rivendel archer battalion can easily kill a lot more units than arwen, on the other hand however it is unlikely that mordor orcs even kill one battalion. Therefore, I think the accelerator should be adjusted to the type of unit. Howver in the end it think it should about as hard and rewarding a standard unit to lvl 5, as it is to lvl a hero to lvl 10. Since a max lvl of 5 would making lvling quite seldom and demotivatung, I think it would be more appropriate for them reach lvl 10. If you don't like my suggestion, I think that it should be atleast a little harder for trolls to lvl and a little easier for orcs to lvl.

Critical Hits
I don't know if this is possible, but I'd find it pretty cool if heroes and maybe even normal units have a low chance, like 20%, of getting a critical strike...meaning a hit that does more damage like 100% extra. It would reduce the monotonous nature of hero duals, where the outcome is pretty predictable. Maybe these critical strikes can be indicated by a glowing sword or something, and maybe a different animation(although that might prove to be a lot of work). If this could be implemented for regular units it would also be nice, but perhaps it would again be too much work. In addition to this concept, maybe heroes could get upgrades to increase their chance of getting a critical hit. I got this concept from DOW II and COH, which both have more advanced engines, so perhaps it won't work in the BFME one. Would be a nice touch..what do you think?
Ok well forget about the animations and regular units. Just for heroes, would it really be that much work? Just the glowing and the a probability scalar.. I realize there are around 80 heroes so it might take time but still I think it would mature the engine, superficially perhaps, by quite a bit. Or is there another alternative to implement this feature with less of a hassle?

Could you inquire maybe? I think it would be a nice addition especially if there could be 3 levels, normal, 20% chance of getting +100%, and 4% of getting +300% and maybe specials like legolas one shotting a mumakil... A little far fetched, but still it would be a cool concept with many possibilities :)) it all depends on whether or not bfme is capable of some sort of probability system.

Heal of Single Units (Ok from Lord of Mordor)

I think all single units, such as beserkers, brutmuttern, Beorninger, should self heal when they reach level 2. Every other unit has a recovery ability, i.e battalions and banner carriers, therefore it only makes sence for them to have such a feature as well.

The Navy

One thing that has been bugging me since I got bfme2 is the naval combat, from all strategy games I've played this is the only one that managed to screw it up so hard :p I'd love it if edain would attempt to improve it. I know most will claim that it wasn't an important factor to begin with so we don't really see it as part of bfme2, thus it'd be a waste to improve it but honestly in almost every rts I've played naval combat was strategic and fun. I really think this could apply to bfme as well. I have created a handful of maps and everytime I noticed that I inserted a large body of water, whether it's do to graphical appeal or gameplay reasons I'm not sure, but perhaps it's the mere dream and desire for some heated navy battles.
I made a short brain storming list:

Firstly, if edain team doesn't see any use in changing naval gameplay, please atleast change the transportation boats so that they can carry more units like 5 or 6 and large units such as siegecweapons as well. A more thorough and appreciated change would be to implement 2 types of transport boats, 1 which can only carry 2 battalions and only light units for ambushes, these transport boats should include upgrades like stealth and better sails for hasty situations. Then there should a second choice which costs more is alot larger and can carry upto 6 battalions as well as heavy siege weapons such as giants and etc.
For general war ships I think that bfme has the correct rock paper scissor concept but it lacks depth and variety from faction to faction. For example boats should have different speeds, strenghts and etc, additionally upgrades should require research and cost more, they should also result in more drastic effect both visually and physically(gameplaywise). Naval yards should also level. I don't know if this is possible but I think that if would be nice if boats could somehow be captured. Like a gasthaus, maybe make it so that large boats don't sink when they get destroyed, instead a bit of health remains and so they can be captured like a gasthaus by entering it with a unit and then hauling it back to your naval yard where it gets auto repaired. Last but not least I'd find it chilled if there existed a ship that is large yet contains no main gun. Instead it can be loaded with can sort of combination of units which then fight on board, like giants throwing stuff, archers shorting and etc.

Alright well, could you atleast change it so that transport boats can carry 5 battalions and heavy siegeweapons? please...it'd make me very happy and If it isn't too much work I'd really appreciate it :))

Imrpoving the feel of Ents

I was playing bfmeI today and realized that ents had an a lot better feel to them. I loved the way their armor worked, it really made it feel like they were a devastating weapon. I personally think that ents should be given very similar armor traits to their version in bfme1, namely that arrows nor swords damage them. I think that only fire arrows and heavy weapons, such as axes, should be an effective mean at fighting them. Cause of this power increase, I think that ents should be more expensive(around 2500), especially since they are late game units.
I also think that lothlorien should get a world power that allows them to initiate a temporary (around 1min) rain storm. This would make them vastly more resistant to fire and magic damage, however, in return all of your other standard units lose leadership and have -50% range and damage...
In addition, I believe it would be logical if builders could put out ents when they burn.
I believe if this could be somehow balanced, it would make ents more fun and strategical :)


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Re:Konzept-Diskussion: Allgemeine Konzepte
« Antwort #146 am: 15. Sep 2010, 21:18 »
Das hast du aber noch viel Arbeit vor dir  :o


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Re:Konzept-Diskussion: Allgemeine Konzepte
« Antwort #147 am: 15. Sep 2010, 21:27 »
Also ich hab viele Konzept ideen auf Moddb geschrieben und wuerde gerne diese euch praesentieren, allerdings ist alles auf Englisch und ich moechte am liebesten nicht alles uebersetzen, da es ein ziemlicher Aufwand auf meinem Iphone sein wuerde :P
Sry, ich werde es vlt im laufe der Zeir uebersetzen..

It's a running conversation, so it might sound weird at times :P

Leveling units

How about making units also level up to lvl 10 and adding the same icon as in BFME above the banner carrier. I think that the units in edain level too quickly and so one doesn't really sense the attachment to a lvl 5 battalion that one would to a lvl 10 unit from bfme 1. I also dont think this would affect balancing too much, as all units would be given the same boost.. however, I do see the problem that turtlers with their archers might gain a substantial advantage, thus I propose that units of level 10 are equally strong to units of level 5 in the current version. I also think the pace at which they level should be the same as in bfme skirmish...

its a lot more rewarding, than getting a mountain troll to level 5 after having used it to kill 3 battalions of archers :l... I'm also pretty sure that leveling up effects both attack and hit points. I think, however, that leveling up should affect the units abilities, thus I think, for example, cavalry should be less vulnerable to pikemen, as they are better at manuveuring their horses, and archers should deal more damage as their chances of getting a critical hit improves.. however archers shouldn't get too strong as that might become imbalanced..

Since standard units generally consist of a battalion of a minimum of 5, I think it's safe to assume that they more than capable of killing as many heroes, however then it also depends on the type of unit a rivendel archer battalion can easily kill a lot more units than arwen, on the other hand however it is unlikely that mordor orcs even kill one battalion. Therefore, I think the accelerator should be adjusted to the type of unit. Howver in the end it think it should about as hard and rewarding a standard unit to lvl 5, as it is to lvl a hero to lvl 10. Since a max lvl of 5 would making lvling quite seldom and demotivatung, I think it would be more appropriate for them reach lvl 10. If you don't like my suggestion, I think that it should be atleast a little harder for trolls to lvl and a little easier for orcs to lvl.

Critical Hits
I don't know if this is possible, but I'd find it pretty cool if heroes and maybe even normal units have a low chance, like 20%, of getting a critical strike...meaning a hit that does more damage like 100% extra. It would reduce the monotonous nature of hero duals, where the outcome is pretty predictable. Maybe these critical strikes can be indicated by a glowing sword or something, and maybe a different animation(although that might prove to be a lot of work). If this could be implemented for regular units it would also be nice, but perhaps it would again be too much work. In addition to this concept, maybe heroes could get upgrades to increase their chance of getting a critical hit. I got this concept from DOW II and COH, which both have more advanced engines, so perhaps it won't work in the BFME one. Would be a nice touch..what do you think?
Ok well forget about the animations and regular units. Just for heroes, would it really be that much work? Just the glowing and the a probability scalar.. I realize there are around 80 heroes so it might take time but still I think it would mature the engine, superficially perhaps, by quite a bit. Or is there another alternative to implement this feature with less of a hassle?

Could you inquire maybe? I think it would be a nice addition especially if there could be 3 levels, normal, 20% chance of getting +100%, and 4% of getting +300% and maybe specials like legolas one shotting a mumakil... A little far fetched, but still it would be a cool concept with many possibilities :)) it all depends on whether or not bfme is capable of some sort of probability system.

Heal of Single Units (Ok from Lord of Mordor)

I think all single units, such as beserkers, brutmuttern, Beorninger, should self heal when they reach level 2. Every other unit has a recovery ability, i.e battalions and banner carriers, therefore it only makes sence for them to have such a feature as well.

The Navy

One thing that has been bugging me since I got bfme2 is the naval combat, from all strategy games I've played this is the only one that managed to screw it up so hard :p I'd love it if edain would attempt to improve it. I know most will claim that it wasn't an important factor to begin with so we don't really see it as part of bfme2, thus it'd be a waste to improve it but honestly in almost every rts I've played naval combat was strategic and fun. I really think this could apply to bfme as well. I have created a handful of maps and everytime I noticed that I inserted a large body of water, whether it's do to graphical appeal or gameplay reasons I'm not sure, but perhaps it's the mere dream and desire for some heated navy battles.
I made a short brain storming list:

Firstly, if edain team doesn't see any use in changing naval gameplay, please atleast change the transportation boats so that they can carry more units like 5 or 6 and large units such as siegecweapons as well. A more thorough and appreciated change would be to implement 2 types of transport boats, 1 which can only carry 2 battalions and only light units for ambushes, these transport boats should include upgrades like stealth and better sails for hasty situations. Then there should a second choice which costs more is alot larger and can carry upto 6 battalions as well as heavy siege weapons such as giants and etc.
For general war ships I think that bfme has the correct rock paper scissor concept but it lacks depth and variety from faction to faction. For example boats should have different speeds, strenghts and etc, additionally upgrades should require research and cost more, they should also result in more drastic effect both visually and physically(gameplaywise). Naval yards should also level. I don't know if this is possible but I think that if would be nice if boats could somehow be captured. Like a gasthaus, maybe make it so that large boats don't sink when they get destroyed, instead a bit of health remains and so they can be captured like a gasthaus by entering it with a unit and then hauling it back to your naval yard where it gets auto repaired. Last but not least I'd find it chilled if there existed a ship that is large yet contains no main gun. Instead it can be loaded with can sort of combination of units which then fight on board, like giants throwing stuff, archers shorting and etc.

Alright well, could you atleast change it so that transport boats can carry 5 battalions and heavy siegeweapons? please...it'd make me very happy and If it isn't too much work I'd really appreciate it :))

Imrpoving the feel of Ents

I was playing bfmeI today and realized that ents had an a lot better feel to them. I loved the way their armor worked, it really made it feel like they were a devastating weapon. I personally think that ents should be given very similar armor traits to their version in bfme1, namely that arrows nor swords damage them. I think that only fire arrows and heavy weapons, such as axes, should be an effective mean at fighting them. Cause of this power increase, I think that ents should be more expensive(around 2500), especially since they are late game units.
I also think that lothlorien should get a world power that allows them to initiate a temporary (around 1min) rain storm. This would make them vastly more resistant to fire and magic damage, however, in return all of your other standard units lose leadership and have -50% range and damage...
In addition, I believe it would be logical if builders could put out ents when they burn.
I believe if this could be somehow balanced, it would make ents more fun and strategical :)

Dagegen, ich fdinde Stufe 10 sollte Helden und Elite-Einheiten Vorbehalten sein und auf Stufe 1 dauerd das ne ewigkeit (ohne Bannerträger)

Heilen: dafür

Marine: bei dem Transport von Belagerungswaffen Riesen usw. iist bereits ein Konzept ind er Sammlun wenn ich mich nicht irre

bei den Ents bin ich dagegen: die passsen so wie sie sind, so würden die für Völker ohne Feuer noch schwieriger zu killn sein

It was at the Survivor Series that the dark path of the Undertaker was born. It seems like an eternity ago that the demons of hell passed judgement on the mortal world and unleashed a creature of the night so powerful that the mention of it's very name sends shivers down to the spines of who oppose him
You look into the eyes of the Reaper and you'll see that your fate is sealed!

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Re:Konzept-Diskussion: Allgemeine Konzepte
« Antwort #148 am: 16. Sep 2010, 01:34 »
Stimmt aber fuer Volker mit feuerpfeilen sind sie zu einfach zu killen :s

Eine kleine Zugabe :)
Edain brainstorming list:
• Archers shouldn't always hit, it's more realistic if there is a probability depending on the skill level of the archer and the speed of the target. For example cavalry should be 40%, moving infantry 75%, and stationary 95%
• Cavalry equipped with shields should maybe only get 40% more pierce resistance and get a 50% chance of getting penetrated, this would be more realistic and also give Rohan a better chance late game, as all their strengths lies in their cavalry which currently gets countered quite easily, especially by imladris.
• imladris should have a spaeher troop similar to isengard that would be recruitable from the fortress. They'd be  limited to 3 battalions each consisting of 10 soldiers which can switch between bow and sword. They should cost 400 and be relatively strong, I'd find it cool if they could level to 10 at which they would evolve into some sort of rousl guard with new abilities and a power boost.
• beorningers don't heal, don't know about naturmagier and the cavalry slowing unit (forgot the name) but I don't think they do either.
• for some reason when I blob mines, like 4 of them, the damage delt by the detonation doesn't seem to be the sun of the individual mines... This especially applies to mine carrying berserkers, which in their current form mos def need a buff up! To me they are the most laughable unit of any bfme game... And that's including smeagol from bfme1 :p
• berserkers should be a little more crush resistant and have a bit more life... They have a lot of power but just die too easily.. I suppose to compensate they could be a tad more expensive, I just feel that they lost their general usefulness that they had in vbfme2. They used to be very good at ambushes..now they seem to even suck against infantry, they only rock at killing heroes when you have about 4 of them fighting at once, but honestly I feel they lost their brute personality which I loved from bfme1 and 2 :)
• This has been suggested before, thranduil desperately needs a redo, it doesn't work for an archer support hero to be a melee fighter.. I've suggested some changes that would depict his role in battle more clearly, however this stupid site probably deleted the comment by now :s
• Bug: Huehnen don't revive fallen battalion members.
« Letzte Änderung: 16. Sep 2010, 09:48 von Gnomi »


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Re:Konzept-Diskussion: Allgemeine Konzepte
« Antwort #149 am: 16. Sep 2010, 09:51 »
Ich hab Mal deine beiden Beiträge zusammengefasst. Das nächste Mal bitte editieren und keine Doppelposts machen.^^

Bogenschützen treffen ebreits jetzt schon nicht immer. Elbenbogenschützen treffen mit 95-100%, während Orks glaube ich nur mit 10% Wahrscheinlichkeit treffen. Die anderen Bogenschützen sind dazwischen verteilt.

Bugs bitte in den Bugthread und nicht den Vorschlägethread.^^