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Autor Thema: Edain 4.0 - Build up your fortress [EN]  (Gelesen 17664 mal)


  • Verteidiger Morias
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Edain 4.0 - Build up your fortress [EN]
« am: 8. Apr 2015, 01:41 »
Greetings companions of Edain!

In this tutorial, we'll get to know how to make your fortress map works with Edain 4.0 with all its glory.

First, you must place all the right starting points, castles, outposts, settlements, and waypoints as have been specified in the last tutorial "Make your own maps" for all the outside players (not in the fortress).
As you can imagine, the fortress player is treated slightly differently.
First make sure you have set the required waypoints like the other players.
Now let's start building up the fortress:
Open the Place Object tool, and go to "ByNativeType/Civilian/SYSTEM/BaceCenterGeneric". This will serve as a virtual base that the game can recognize. Place it near your would-be citadel.
Now in Object Properties, fill it up as follows:
    • Name: FestungX
    • Team: Player_1/teamPlayer_1
    • make sure that those options are the only ones ticked: Enabled - AI recruitable - Powered - Is a base

    Then from the Objects tool, get any
FestungenBuildingFoundation. you can find it in every faction preceded by the faction's name (e.x. GondorFestungenBuildingFoundation). put it near the BaceCenterGeneric (you can put it under it for that matter), and fill up the properties as follows:
    • Name: Festungsmap
    • Team: Player_1/teamPlayer_1
    • In Base: (not in any base)
    • Enabled - AI recruitable - Powered - Indestructible
    Now you have your base ready to be filled up.

    Each Fortress needs a citadel. Once you find the appropriate citadel for your map, and placed it where you want, go to properties and fill up:
      • Name: make sure you DON'T put any name, or at least anything other than Festung_1
      • Team: Player_1/teamPlayer_1
      • In Base: FestungX (you will notice that you get a new tab called "BaseProps")
      Your Citadel is now ready!

      The only thing left is the build plots.
      From any faction you want, select a
"(faction name) FestungenBuildingFoundat ion" and place it wherever you want.
Set the properties as follows:
  • Team: Player_1/teamPlayer_1
  • In Base: FestungX (you will notice that you get a new tab called "BaseProps")

Setting the plot in the right angle is a little tricky, as it varies from building to building throughout all factions. You have to try it yourself and check for suitable angles.

Voila! your fortress map should now work as an official Edain map ;)

If you got any questions, feel free to start a thread about it and I'm sure we can figure it out  xD

Best regards for all.[/list][/list][/list]
« Letzte Änderung: 20. Jul 2015, 06:13 von hoho96 »


  • Elronds Berater
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Re: Edain 4.0 - Build up your fortress [EN]
« Antwort #1 am: 8. Apr 2015, 12:33 »
Hooray, thanks hoho^^
Time to work again on my Minas Ithil and Pelargir map  8-)


  • Bilbos Festgast
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Re: Edain 4.0 - Build up your fortress [EN]
« Antwort #2 am: 10. Nov 2015, 21:57 »
Can you make a fortress map with several users (more than 1 fortress a map basically)? And if so, how would you go about making it?


  • Verteidiger Morias
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Re: Edain 4.0 - Build up your fortress [EN]
« Antwort #3 am: 10. Nov 2015, 23:49 »
No. Unfortunately it's not possible currently with the mod system.
Maybe in the future. Who knows :)


  • Bilbos Festgast
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Re: Edain 4.0 - Build up your fortress [EN]
« Antwort #4 am: 12. Nov 2015, 21:47 »
As I think my PM to you, hoho, did not get through, I feel the need to share it here instead. I think I bacame a god, making the impossible possible with this map: http://www.moddb.com/games/battle-for-middle-earth-ii-rise-of-the-witch-king/addons/remade-helms-deep-v2-for-edain
Please tell me if I am wrong in assuming the setup of this map can't be made to make multi-fortress maps, as I would love to make it a reality if it is not.


  • Verteidiger Morias
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Re: Edain 4.0 - Build up your fortress [EN]
« Antwort #5 am: 12. Nov 2015, 22:19 »
I've actually received that message and sent a reply, but apparently it didn't arrive XD
Anyway, I haven't checked your map yet. But as far as I know, Edain can't work with more than 1 fortress player (a player with his starting point in a Keep of a fortress map). You can have more players inside the fortress, but their base would be a normal camp.
If Gnomi can give some more wisdom about it, I'd be more than happy :)


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Re: Edain 4.0 - Build up your fortress [EN]
« Antwort #6 am: 12. Nov 2015, 22:49 »
First you've done some mistakes:
 - The building plots doesn't disappear after the player his been slain, this counts for both players. (look at the tutorial to see how it's done)
 - You also have to use a different main building, look for WOR_HelmsDeepArcade, this will work without bugs.

And finally:
Nope, that won't work. It will work for a bit, but there'll always be bugs, because of the scripts of the AI or how the game works with fortresses. In the libraries are many scripts about that and they all just work with Player_1 and not with another player.
Of course you can make two fortresses and they will appear, but there will be a ton of problems (like difficulties with the AI, some features won't work and so on).


  • Bilbos Festgast
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Re: Edain 4.0 - Build up your fortress [EN]
« Antwort #7 am: 13. Nov 2015, 06:53 »
Thank you very much for the reply. However (as I love to be correct :P), is not what you say about the buildplots only a visual thing ? And secondly, even if there is no way AI can be used properly with such maps, can't they still be used just fine in multiplayer?

Whatever the case, I will keep remaking maps I have found in the 1.08 patch and make them compatible with Edain 4 (just remember to give me a holler if it was originally you guys who made it, so that the credits go where credits are due).

All that said, i will look into the buildplot-thing and try see if i can fix it (as i got a similar problem as the former bug in the Gray Havens; The buildplots dissapearing when game starts)


  • Verteidiger Morias
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Re: Edain 4.0 - Build up your fortress [EN]
« Antwort #8 am: 13. Nov 2015, 07:27 »
Thank you very much for the reply. However (as I love to be correct :P), is not what you say about the buildplots only a visual thing ? And secondly, even if there's no way AI can be used properly with such maps, can't they still be used just fine in multiplayer?
You're just that stubborn, aren't you  xD
1. Visual thing or not, it's still a bug . Just follow the tutorial closely, and you shouldn't have any problem.
2. They can be played to some degree, but there will always be problems, not just the AI, but also some game mechanics that can't identify more than one fortress player.
there will be a ton of problems (like difficulties with the AI, some features won't work and so on).


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Re: Edain 4.0 - Build up your fortress [EN]
« Antwort #9 am: 13. Nov 2015, 10:19 »
All I'm saying is that there are bugs. Your "solution" is good, but nothing new. That's more or less what I wanted to say:
It works, but there are some bugs. And those bugs won't go away.^^


  • Thain des Auenlandes
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Re: Edain 4.0 - Build up your fortress [EN]
« Antwort #10 am: 11. Dez 2019, 17:55 »
I make a map like it says here. The game opens. Then the game ends.  :D :D  I don't know where the problem is. :(