So everything that you are trying to say is that you want new siege for the others factions..ok agree, but not support your idea saying that if erebor have earthshackers now isnt balanced
I mean this is ridicolous you have to see the gameplay, not the numbers to balance a game, becaause as far as i know, Mordor have more units than any other faction, so have more variety and versatility, is this a balance problem? No, so why earthshackers must be a problem in erebor? I mean, talk clear to the team: WE WANT new sieges to ered Luin and Iron HIlls, And not say that the earthshackers isnt fair for erebor because it is simply useless to your real objective: get new sieges for other 2 factions. Completely agree in everything except on delete earthshackers.
Give the team new concepts of gameplay to this new sieges and probably it will work, but saying that isnt fair to erebor have the earthshacker wont help your objective. I mean, we have played a lot of years with the earthshackers there isnt any real reason to delete them.