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Autor Thema: Rohan Balance Discussion  (Gelesen 79858 mal)

Elite KryPtik

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Re: Rohan Balance Discussion
« Antwort #105 am: 9. Dez 2016, 19:19 »
I would be happy to play a game with you if you want to test it out some time.
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Elendils Cousin 3. Grades

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Re: Rohan Balance Discussion
« Antwort #106 am: 9. Dez 2016, 21:34 »
Fords of Isen 2 isn't the only map, and it has it's flaws. That's why it will be getting an overhaul in the next version (you can actually download it already) ;)

Other than that I can only agree with the others. Rohan has an awesome earlygame by design, and as a tradeoff their lategame is weaker. It may not be in a perfect spot right now, but their eg is not the issue.


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Re: Rohan Balance Discussion
« Antwort #107 am: 12. Jan 2017, 03:16 »
Some things I've noticed about Rohan:

Agree that early game Rohan is strong, but honestly is rendered ineffective as long as 3-4 pikes are on the field, even in early game.

. Uncorrupted Theoden at 3,000 really necessary? His Glorious Charge recharge time is slow enough to not even be OP. Plus, after a few corrupted uses, uncorrupted is so weak it's not funny.

. Does anyone use Rohan's other spell with the tent? I don't think I've ever found it effective. It takes up room on the map, costs additional money to upgrade, and is easily destroyed. I'd honestly prefer another version of Glorious Charge and/or a better trample speed buff to help counter late game Lorien, Gondor, and Angmar. I do use the land ability quite a bit for Rohan which helps, but once Rohan cav slow down in a hoard of Galadhrim, it's over for your army. Especially because they rarely are able to even be trampled late game.

I know everyone keeps saying Rohan is an early game faction, but there is literally no chance competitively late game for it. It really cannot do anything but harass or base rush many different armies. Not very fun.


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Re: Rohan Balance Discussion
« Antwort #108 am: 12. Jan 2017, 18:46 »
I don't know why you think glorious charge is bad. Ignoring %90 percent of normal damage with cavalry (it also affects ally cavalry) is pretty awesome. Its cooldown is not that long either. If your cavalry units are upgraded, combined with Theoden's leadership you can even eat tower guards. IMHO problem is getting Theoden to level 10. He levels up slowly and he needs health boost a bit. His primary role is only to support so it doesn't make so much sense that he has only 3500 health.

Tent is useful if you are able to protect it. Free upgraded cavalry is always nice. You just need time to upgrade it. I recommend summoning it behind your base so it is easy to protect it.

I agree with you about late game. Currently it is lacking badly. I think Rohan needs a way to get upgrade discount and real mass slayer. Or something that can boost its economy in late game.

Elite KryPtik

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Re: Rohan Balance Discussion
« Antwort #109 am: 12. Jan 2017, 20:52 »
Glorious Charge is excellent, but also very easily countered by many other late game powers.

Military Camp does not cost any money to upgrade, just time. I don't know where you got the idea that the tent upgrades cost resources. It also gives lots of command points and generates money, in addition to all the free, fully upgraded Rohirrim who can switch to bows. Its one of the best tier 4 powers in the game.

Rohan's early game is unstoppable against any faction. Peasant spam from a bunch of farms, combined with Archers and quick cavalry from the exile camp. then move in to ram rush an enemy base. NOBODY can contend with this, not even the incredibly strong Lorien. The only faction that stands a remote chance is Mordor, but even they are countered quite easily by a cavalry focused rush with archers to snipe trolls. Take 2 equally skilled players and have a 1v1, whoever gets Rohan will always win, guaranteed.

Late game is still a serious issue though, mainly due to economy. It costs SO MUCH to get a fully upgraded army as Rohan, its crippling. It's even worse than Lorien. This only really becomes noticable in team games, because in any 1v1 Rohan will dominate. There are some fixes coming for that in the next version, of which I can't share at this time. Be patient :)
Arise! Arise, Riders of Theoden! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter! Spear shall be shaken! Shield shall be splintered! A sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now! Ride now! Ride, ride to ruin, and the worlds ending! FORTH EORLINGAS!


  • Thain des Auenlandes
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Re: Rohan Balance Discussion
« Antwort #110 am: 15. Jan 2017, 02:31 »
I never said Glorious Charge is not good. The opposite, I said I would like to see a buffed Glorious Charge that negates trample resistance take the place of the tent in the 10 spell points. Also, if you've even used corrupted Theoden a few times before uncorrupting him, good luck getting him to level 10 nearing late game anyway.

I am pleased that there is work being made for Rohan to be effective late game. 1v1 yes, Rohan dominates and ends your match within 30 mins ^^ but that isn't very fun and frankly most of my friends and I play team games anyway where Rohan can only run around and harass late game, not being able to engage several late game armies head on.

On the tent note, ask yourself how often you use it and if it changed the balance of the late game for you. Personally, I have gotten to use it only a few times and it didn't do much to help defeat my enemy, which Rohan cannot do excluding base rushing, with things like late game Lorien, Isen, and maybe Gondor with the elite units.


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Re: Rohan Balance Discussion
« Antwort #111 am: 15. Jan 2017, 03:42 »
Rohan can be very strong in LG too, but it's far more difficult to get there. Precondition is, that you played EG, MG good. Meaning lvled up your heros and got some Cav on higher levels.
The transition from EG to strong MG can be tough for Rohan. But there will be some changes in 4.5 that make it more fluent.
In LG your Hero abilities help you alot, like Eomer debuff and economy ability or Theoden experience ability. Royal guard is extremly good and in my opinion really underestimated.
Furthermore you have 3 Captains which arrive already at lvl 5.

Otherwise i think it is fair, that only if you played a good EG/MG you will stand a good chance in LG, due to how good Rohan already is in EG.


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Re: Rohan Balance Discussion
« Antwort #112 am: 15. Jan 2017, 03:42 »
I think Rohan Royal guards need some buff . If rohirrim axeman are so good to heavy armored units and pikeman then at least Royal guards could've get weapon change between axe and lance too to being mor effective.

Elendils Cousin 3. Grades

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Re: Rohan Balance Discussion
« Antwort #113 am: 15. Jan 2017, 04:02 »
Different factions are designed differently. That's the beauty of having all those factions in Edain; you can actually give them different identities and playstyles. Rohan isn't supposed to just charge head on into a late game Mordor army and come out on top. That's playing to your own disadvantage and to your enemies advantage, what do you expect of that? What you can do though and what Mordor never can do is produce units on the entire map, be everywhere on the entire map with cavalry in an instant. Sure, if you only play 4v4, wait for the lategame and then fight blob vs blob, Rohan will be rather underwhelming. But even in 4v4s a good Rohan player can give his team a huge advantage early on, supporting both sides and creating 3v2 or 2v1 situations. Do you want all the factions to play the same and just get some different heroes to play around with? Because I certainly don't. I love that Rohan actually has a clear focus and a unique character.

Royal Guard already wrecks faces, they don't need buffs.
« Letzte Änderung: 15. Jan 2017, 04:43 von Elendils Cousin 3. Grades »


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Re: Rohan Balance Discussion
« Antwort #114 am: 15. Jan 2017, 07:07 »
I think the point is that if all you have is cavalry vs an army that cannot be trampled, then there is an issue. If you can't get into an Isengard clump of crossbowmen that are wreaking your crappy peasants because its full of lvl 5 pikes, there is an issue.

Rohan can harass eco and base rush late game, but in late game you cannot use Rohan to defeat specific armies. But I think we can all agree on that. ^^ Destroying my opponents eco while trying to protect my own doesn't make a difference if I can't penetrate his army and kill his units.

Elite KryPtik

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Re: Rohan Balance Discussion
« Antwort #115 am: 16. Jan 2017, 01:14 »
If you are only using Cavalry as Rohan, you're doing it wrong. The have the King's Camp for a reason. The Soldiers of Meduseld and your 3 Marshals are the key to late game. Unfortunately, the way the game plays, cav get relegated to a supportive role. There is really no point in making more than 6 battalions, your 3 exiles, then the 3 cp free royal vanguard. If you put the rest into Warriors of Meduseld and Archers, and use your heroes on foot after banishing them, you will start destroying late game armies.

As I already said, the chief problem right now is eco. Fielding your Elite Infantry costs 300 more resources per unit than any other faction, and upgrades cannot be discounted, meaning you always pay full price. Finally, you can only get your elite infantry from an outpost, and don't have them available at your base at all. Combine this with Rohan's terrible eco and you have a very tricky situation, which absolutely requires dominance across the entire map to do anything to anybody late game. Certain factions are impossible matchups for Rohan late game, namely Lorien and Isengard. Angmar is pretty tough too, thanks to their incredible spellbook and eco, but manageble. Gondor gets destroyed by Soldiers of Meduseld, Mordor gets trampled into the dirt, since they only get 3 useful pikes, Dwarves get shut down and killed early game, and Imladris gets archer spammed to death. Now, Isengard gets destroyed early game by Rohan regardless, so they don't really need to be on the list of threats. Lorien is Rohans biggest challenge, best pikes and archers in the game is a rough combo against Rohan :S
Arise! Arise, Riders of Theoden! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter! Spear shall be shaken! Shield shall be splintered! A sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now! Ride now! Ride, ride to ruin, and the worlds ending! FORTH EORLINGAS!

Éomer Éadig

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Re: Rohan Balance Discussion
« Antwort #116 am: 17. Apr 2017, 10:57 »
I am wondering whether Eomer's level 10 ability "Ride of the Exiled" isn't underpowered. I have included a screenshot of orc pikemen after being hit by hit and they have only lost about 45% of their health.

Maybe it would be a good idea to increase the damage of this ability?



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Re: Rohan Balance Discussion
« Antwort #117 am: 17. Apr 2017, 11:42 »
Pikes suffer less damage from Cavalry than other units.


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Re: Rohan Balance Discussion
« Antwort #118 am: 2. Mai 2017, 04:16 »
Guys, I think Rohans main problem is to deal with armored units in mid game. That armored units can not be killed by 3-4 times trample of upgraded Rohirrim. They need early armor debuff and I think nice change would be to rework Eomers skills:
1. lvl1 mount/dismount
2. lvl1 Leader of Exiles:Passive "Exiles" get 20% attack damage and gold for killing units
3. lvl3 Memoriam: same effect but nerfed to 25% armor reduction
4. lvl5 Spear: Same skill as now but higher dmg, instant kill troll, longer cooldown.
5. lvl7 Ride of exiles or "For the King": Exiles get buff for 30 sec, recive less dmg from pikes by 70% and 35% from other units and less tremple slowdown.

Reason why this could be good:
Rohan early>mid game is really hard, some sort of mass slay lack of Rohan is so exposed in early to mid game, so this would be nice buff to Rohan early eco and early mass slay. Btw it is lore wise for Eomer fristly to be Leader of Exile and get that passive leadership to be connected with Exiles. Iconic scene when Eomer kill mumakill in RotK so he gets later on his deady spear and onother iconic scene of Exiles charge in the battle of Helms Deep.

Sry about my english
« Letzte Änderung: 2. Mai 2017, 04:20 von kreso »
"What have we done, O king? Is it a crime to be lost in the forest, to be hungry and thirsty, to be trapped by spiders?"


  • Balins Schriftführer
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Re: Rohan Balance Discussion
« Antwort #119 am: 2. Mai 2017, 11:22 »
Ever tried out Rohirrim Archers against armored units? Because that is exactly their focus.
Rohan is has the strongest EG so it is quite fair that the MG/LG is harder to play. Though Rohan can easily stay upper hand if you dominated the EG well.
There will be some small changes that will make the transition to MG a bit easier for Rohan.