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Mordor Balance Discussion

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Well, I think it's not OK.

Sorry guys if I sound like such a pissy, but it's almost the same debate as Wormtongue (I say almost because I can understand, balance speaking, why Mollok has such low single targets damage). Grima can 1v1 Eomer (or almost) just because the latter is a mass slayer but in LOTR Eomer could kill ten Grima in the same time.

I'm not saying the lore should overcome balance ; my point is we have to find the best solution for the sake of both. As I suggested in the Isengard topic, I think that Grima issue can be adressed by transferring his trength from his basic attacks to his abilities.

Back to the topic, this one is Mollok is much more complicated because I'm aware you can't simply increase his attack damage. How about he does additional damage only to trolls ? Or trolls deal very low damage to him?

Well, Mollock isn't so great as mass slayer, his prices is high, and while we playing with him on lower level's he is simply too weak I think.
Concerning main problem vs neutral cave troll, reason lies in attack speed of cave troll in this particular case, I think there is nothing wrong with damage this hero does. They both deal same damage one to other per hit, but problem is neutral cave troll has much faster attack speed. So, of course we can't change attack speed of neutral unit because of this particular situation, so I am also for some armor buff against troll melee damage. Simply I think that Mollock as it is implemented in game should be stronger individually then any other troll in game, and from level 1 of course.

I've found Mollock to be more a pain then helpful and so I don't usually buy him. He tends to charge straight into enemy lines, trample through units (losing HP) and then he is stuck in the middle of the enemy army and by the time you can make it back he's at a silver of an hp and hasn't done anything noteworthy.

Elite KryPtik:
Indeed, Mollok is quite terrible, especially for the price. He should have immunity or at least serious resistance against trample revenge damage(try trampling through some Tower Guards, it aint pretty ;)) and much higher health, hes a freakin troll king! As for damage, I think his AoE is quite substantial and makes up for the low damage, his problem is health and how easily he is singled out by enemy heroes, due to his size.


--- Zitat von: Elite KryPtik am  5. Dez 2015, 10:59 ---Indeed, Mollok is quite terrible, especially for the price. He should have immunity or at least serious resistance against trample revenge damage(try trampling through some Tower Guards, it aint pretty;)) and much higher health, hes a freakin troll king! As for damage, I think his AoE is quite substantial and makes up for the low damage, his problem is health and how easily he is singled out by enemy heroes, due to his size.

--- Ende Zitat ---

Yes, I also agree about that trample "problem" with pikes.
AOE is substantial ofc, about hp, I think they are ok as hp, problem is probably in armor/defence, which is also "silly" situation, because he looks like mountain with those plates of armor etc.
I have this feeling simply because he isn't only weak in comparison with other heroes, also against single units like trolls (as I had chance to test randomly in game...).
I don't know about vannila Rogash, but I think that hero was also similar in look, mountain with great armor plates etc. But aslo in synergy of that look, he had some armor buffing ability which helped him a lot in tank role. Simply it was in synergy of look and appearance of such hero.
No matter about "look" of this troll hero, I think as the most people that he isn't balanced yet.



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