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Vorschläge zu Isengart / Re: Isengart Verbesserung
« Letzter Beitrag von Halbarad am 20. Feb 2024, 21:19 »
Um mal die Punkte aus dem Video aufzulisten (hatte er mir so selbst zusammengefasst):

Also viele Dinge empfinde ich anders als Naodline, auch wenn ich finde, dass sich Isengart derzeit im Vergleich mit anderen Völkern eher langweilig spielt, was vorwiegend an seinem vergleichsweise linearen Gameplay liegt (kein Spezialvorposten mit eigenen Einheiten, nur 2 Rohstoffgebäude mit Vergünstigung, Dunländer/ Späher/ Warge nur sehr sehr selten Alternative zu schweren Uruks, es gibt auch keine "neuen Strategien" durch spezielle Helden oder sowas). Alle anderen Völker haben dann doch schon einen wesentlich größeren Pool an Spielweisen zur Auswahl.
Ich schreibe vielleicht die Tage nochmal mehr dazu. Aber schreib du doch auch gerne mal, was du dir so wünschen würdest.
Vorschläge zu Isengart / Re: Isengart Verbesserung
« Letzter Beitrag von Elendils Cousin 3. Grades am 19. Feb 2024, 23:08 »
Es ist nicht verboten, Links zu Youtube zu posten :D

Welche Vorschläge liegen dir denn besonders am Herzen und warum? Gibt ja doch so einiges in dem Video.
Vorschläge zu Isengart / Isengart Verbesserung
« Letzter Beitrag von Snackboard am 19. Feb 2024, 20:11 »
Liebes Edain-Team,
ich möchte herzlich für euren Einsatz in der stetigen Weiterentwicklung dieser Mod bedanken. Ich verfolge und spiele das Game schon seit vielen Jahren.

Mit liegt das Spiel sehr am Herzen, weshalb ich euch gerne mit Ideen unterstützten möchte, allerdings nicht von mir, sondern von einem Youtuber, Naodline, der auch schon lange dabei ist und regelmäßig Content dazu raus bringt.

Er hat vor kurzem ein Video mit seinen Tipps für Isengart herausgebracht: https://youtu.be/sYG8zayAD1M?si=sayE6JbeVNPP-D2R

Falls es verboten ist einen Link zu posten, heißt der Clip "How I would like to see Isengard Improved in the Edain Mod" von Naodline.

Ich möchte mich gerne für die Möglichkeit hier im Forum bedanken, Ideen und Vorschläge posten zu können.

Showcase / Re: French translation
« Letzter Beitrag von jacqueslees am 19. Feb 2024, 02:37 »
Bonjour à tous !! On a déjà la version 4.7.1 et y a-t-il des progrès pour la traduction française ?  Très dommage que nous avons Edain Mod plus complète que jamais mais pas la traduction à jour ...
[Edain] Lothlorien Suggestions / Re: Changing Legolas's "Train Archers" ability
« Letzter Beitrag von Watcher am 13. Feb 2024, 07:21 »
I appreciate the positive replies to my little idea!

I really like your second suggestion. It feels a lot more fitting that Legolas inspires other archers by doing awesome moves, rather than a one-time experience boost which can even be used outside combat. Additionally, it would require more skill to use him effectively, but doubling exp for nearby units in critical moments can be quite a powerful ability.

Do you think he should get this ability at the same level like his current one (level 7, if I remember correctly), or would you adjust that also?

I don't think it's a very strong ability, so lowering the level or increasing the effect to fit the level might be necessary, but I'm not certain.

I do agree with you. I'm not sure if I do like your suggestions 100% because I'd probably perfer something that hasn't got anything to do with training archers, but they do sound more interesting then his currentability.

I could also imagine that an immunity against poison (he was resistent against alcohol :D) or any debuffs and slowing or also a speedbuff. Or something like "Side by side" which would buff him and a selected hero, when they are close to each other, maybe even more if one of them dies.

Discourse is part of discussion :D A speed buff added to "Elven Eyes" could be interesting and reminiscent of the old "War of the Ring" game, but I can't really see it being used any other way. If Legolas is given poison resistance, then perhaps Aragorn should also for having survived Eowyn's stew? :D

I like the "Side by Side" idea, but Hama from Rohan already has something similar and it is more fitting for a Hero Support-role.
[Edain] Lothlorien Suggestions / Re: Changing Legolas's "Train Archers" ability
« Letzter Beitrag von Halbarad am 12. Feb 2024, 20:34 »
I do agree with you. I'm not sure if I do like your suggestions 100% because I'd probably perfer something that hasn't got anything to do with training archers, but they do sound more interesting then his currentability.

I could also imagine that an immunity against poison (he was resistent against alcohol :D) or any debuffs and slowing or also a speedbuff. Or something like "Side by side" which would buff him and a selected hero, when they are close to each other, maybe even more if one of them dies.
I also like that second idea. In general, I do like the idea of moving away from abilities that grant experience and towards abilities that grant experience gain bonuses. Experience grants should really be kept for the truly fitting characters.
[Edain] Lothlorien Suggestions / Re: Changing Legolas's "Train Archers" ability
« Letzter Beitrag von Singollo am 12. Feb 2024, 19:18 »
I really like your second suggestion. It feels a lot more fitting that Legolas inspires other archers by doing awesome moves, rather than a one-time experience boost which can even be used outside combat. Additionally, it would require more skill to use him effectively, but doubling exp for nearby units in critical moments can be quite a powerful ability.

Do you think he should get this ability at the same level like his current one (level 7, if I remember correctly), or would you adjust that also?
[Edain] Lothlorien Suggestions / Changing Legolas's "Train Archers" ability
« Letzter Beitrag von Watcher am 12. Feb 2024, 15:14 »
Greetings from the pool, Edain Team and fair Community!

I admit that it's been a while since I've been around here, the reason being that I never really saw any suggestions or feedback that I could add to, but I'm Back now because I had an idea.

Since Faramir was updatedv and, in particular, his old "Captain of Gondor" ability was changed from a simple experience boost to something more fitting, I got to thinking about other Heroes with similar abilities...

And then I thought of Legolas and his "Train Archers" ability.

I do not believe the way this ability works fits well with Legolas - not his character or his role in the Mod. Here I will propose two different ways he could support allied Archers without actively training them like a commander would, in ways that I believe will better fit the character and role.

Both ideas are inspired by his actions at Helm's Deep in the films, where he tells the Galadhrim that the Uruk-Hai's armour is "weak at the neck and under the arms". I am certain that this was what EA was originally going for, but the way it's implemented doesn't suit the character in my opinion.

In both suggestions, the ability "Train Archers" will be replaced with the new ability called "Marksman". I've outlined two different ways it could work below:

(Suggestion 1):

- Marksman - Legolas is a capable marksman and other Archers follow his example. Every time he attacks, nearby allied Archers gain double combat experience for 10 seconds. Passive Ability.

This option would be a somewhat regular leadership ability that still requires Legolas to actively participate in combat. I feel like this better suits his character while still keeping a similar effect.

(Suggestion 2):

- Marksman - Legolas is a capable marksman and others Archers follow his example. Whenever he uses an ability (excluding "Knife Fighter") nearby allied Archers gain double experience for 10 seconds. Passive Ability.

I personally prefer this option as it's more interesting than the first one, but may be a bit limited.

The original idea behind this ability is that it would actively give Archers a bit of experience every time an ability is cast, but I decided to change it.
Allgemeine Spielediskussion / Re: Manor Lords
« Letzter Beitrag von Halbarad am 12. Feb 2024, 00:09 »
Sieht absolut stark aus. Sieht ja leider noch nicht so aus, als wäre es multiplayertauglich, aber auch so schon sehr cool. Erinnert mich daran wie ich vor Jahren Banished gespielt und mir gewünscht habe, dass man da noch ein Lategame kriegt mit Soldaten und Burgen wie in Stronghold. Kommt dem Traum relativ nahe wenn ich das richtig sehe, bringt aber noch genügend eigenes interessantes mit  :)
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